[Sust-mar] unscented products

Susan Bone info at ellora.ca
Sun Aug 3 12:37:16 EDT 2008

Regarding Ross Mayhew's request for a letter-writing campaign  
regarding unscented baby and personal care products....

Fragrance-free personal care products are widely available in natural  
foods stores, so I would suggest giving these good businesses your  
business. A much better source for safer products.  "Unscented"  
products should be avoided as they often contain masking fragrances  
-- this means your nose/brain 'reads' no scent, but what you might be  
getting are multiple layers of problem ingredients.

Years ago I co-authored the first "AEHA Guide to Less Toxic Products"  
which was a print shopping guide for products of this sort. Several  
years ago the AEHA (Allergy and Environmental Health Association) of  
NS undertook a much more indepth online guide -- it's worth  
consulting. Can anyone provide the URL? The old guide is out of  
print, I believe, and is quite out of date anyway because of so many  
more products on the market.


Susan Bone
Ellora Natural & Organic Foods
3772 Highway 331, R.R.#1
LaHave, N.S. Canada  B0R 1C0
Tel: 902-688-2541
Fax: 902-688-1553
info at ellora.ca

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