[Sust-mar] Solar Construction Course

Ramsey Hart typha at nb.sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 25 11:01:10 EST 2008

Dear Friends,


EOS Eco-Energy is pleased to be hosting a one-day solar construction course
with Don Roscoe of Solar Nova Scotia in Sackville, NB on Saturday March 15.
The one-day course is designed for those with knowledge about the basics of
solar design (ex. those having taken the Solar Shelter Course) and focuses
on some of the technical details associated with building passive solar
homes, greenhouses and solariums. The course will cover the principals and
the construction methods and details of the key aspects of passive solar
design. These include 

Ground Insulation Frost Protection

Heat Storage Slabs

Air Heat Distribution Systems

Fixed Glazing Systems for Windows and Skylites


The course includes detail sheets, sketches and tear-away drawings.


The course will be offered on Saturday March 15 from 9am to 5pm.
Registration fee for the course is $50. Exact location TBA.


To register contact Ramsey Hart, 506-538-1066 typha at nb.sympatico.ca




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