[Sust-mar] Free workshop in Halifax about Life Cycle Analysis - Thursday, January 24

Potter,Karen [Dartmouth] Karen.Potter at EC.GC.CA
Thu Jan 3 08:27:48 EST 2008

GHGenius Users Workshop
Halifax, Nova Scotia - Thursday, January 24, 2008
 Dalhousie University's Sexton Campus
(details on the exact location and timing will follow)  

You are invited to a users workshop on the GHGenius life cycle model,
organized by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and Don O'Connor of (S&T)2
Consultants Inc. the GHGenius Users Workshop will be offered in Halifax,
Nova Scotia on Thursday, January 24, 2008.

Background on GHGenius

GHGenius (www.ghgenius.ca) is a model used to perform life cycle
assessment (LCA) of transportation fuels.  GHGenius has been developed
for and supported by NRCan over the past eight years.  GHGenius is
capable of modeling life cycle information associated with the
production and use of traditional and alternative transportation fuels;
the model mainly focuses on estimating life cycle information for three
impact categories: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, criteria air
contaminant (CAC) emissions, and energy use.  There are currently more
than 200 feedstock, production, fuel and vehicle pathways available in
the model.

About the Workshop

This workshop will be of interest to a wide audience.  The morning
session will focus on LCA of transportation fuels in general and also on
the GHGenius model itself.  The afternoon session will feature a more
comprehensive look at the internal workings of GHGenius, including a
more detailed analysis of the input data, results, and pathways.

DRAFT AGENDA - a final agenda will be provide in advance of the workshop

Morning session (9:00-12:00)	Afternoon session (13:00-16:00)	
1.	Introductions and roundtable
2.	Life cycle Assessment
a.	What is it and why do it?
			b.	How do you do it?
3.	Why GHGenius?
	4.	What can GHGenius do?
a.	Model capabilities
			b.	How it works
			c.	Fuel and vehicle pathways	5.
Data Input
a.	Input sheet
			b.	Input cost
6.	Running the model
a.	Results and output
7.	Hands-on examples and pathway discussions
	a.  Emphasis will depend on
                       participants interests	
* Participants are expected to bring their own laptop computer and to
have downloaded the most recent version of GHGenius.  This can be done
for free by registering at www.ghgenius.ca (click "Register", and then
go to the "Download" section)
** We hope to provide coffee breaks and lunch

About Life cycle Assessment  

As environmental awareness increases, governments, industries, and
businesses have started to comprehensively assess how their activities
affect the environment.  The environmental performance of products,
processes, and services has become a key societal issue, and many
organizations are investigating ways to minimize their effects on the
environment and improve their environmental performance.  One potential
tool is called life cycle assessment (LCA).  LCA employs a systematic
methodology to estimate the potential impacts of different products or
services by examining inputs and outputs from all life cycle stages,
from 'cradle-to-grave'.  LCA relies on clearly defining appropriate
system boundaries and the availability of high quality data.

About the Organizers 

Fuels Policy and Programs Division, Office of Energy Efficiency

The Fuels Policy and Programs Division (FPPD) is contained within Office
of Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada.  FPPD is responsible for
transportation fuel related program development and delivery as well as
various outreach, communications, and policy development activities.
For more information on Natural Resources Canada please visit
www.nrcan.gc.ca <http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/> .   

Don V. O'Connor, P. Eng., President (S&T)2

Mr. O'Connor is an expert in the life cycle assessment of transportation
fuels and the GHGenius model.  He has been President of (S&T)2
Consultants Inc. for the past ten years and is a mechanical engineer
with a broad background in energy and environmental consulting as well
as in industry.  Mr. O'Connor's background includes over 15 years of
manufacturing and marketing experience with Western Canada's largest
independent fuel retailer.  He has successfully developed and
commercialized environmentally sound transportation energy alternatives.
Other aspects of Mr. O'Connor's background include:

*	Extensive experience with production of ethanol from biomass;
*	Developing objectives, strategies and tactics in highly
competitive manufacturing and retail industries;
*	Managing and enhancing process operations in various industries;
*	Detailed knowledge of fuels and the fuels industry;
*	Technical expertise regarding the utilization of methanol,
ethanol, natural gas, propane, hydrogen, gasoline and diesel fuels.

Mr. O'Connor provides advice on fuels, transportation issues and
greenhouse gas emissions to a number of provincial governments and
several federal government departments.  Mr. O'Connor has also consulted
for a number of companies developing new technologies for alternative
fuelled vehicles and companies developing new transportation fuel

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