[Sust-mar] Poverty and Public Health: Exposing a complex relationship

Holly Gillis Holly.Gillis at cdha.nshealth.ca
Wed May 28 17:44:05 EDT 2008

Poverty and Public Health: Exposing a complex relationship

June 3, 7-9 pm


Join us as we explore: 

How we may be unintentionally enabling poverty, and
What Public Healths involvement in addressing poverty currently looks
like - and needs to look like


Megan Leslie
...is a community legal worker with Dalhousie Legal Aid Service, a
community-based legal clinic located in the north end of Halifax. She
works in the area of poverty law, primarily on issues of housing, income
security, consumer rights, and human rights, and is the recipient of the
Holly House Heroes award from Elizabeth Fry Society for her work on
housing and homelessness issues. 

Dr. Dennis Raphael
...is an undergraduate programme director at York University's School
of Health Policy & Management. He has worked and written in the areas of
education, human development, measurement, evaluation and community
health, with recent publications focusing on the health effects of
income inequality and the impact of government decisions on Canadians'
health and well-being.

Francisco Rico
...is the director of the FCJ Refugee Centre in Toronto, the former
president of the Canadian Council for Refugees and an activist with a
long history of advocacy on behalf of victims of human rights
violations, refugees, migrants and non-status people in Canada.

Bonnie Anderson
...is a public health nutritionist for Public Health Services at
Capital Health. An insightful voice on poverty and social disparities,
she has been recognized across Atlantic Canada and North America for her
research, teaching, volunteer efforts and leadership in affecting the
health of women - and their families - in our region.

Moderated by Dr. Rob Strang, Chief Public Health Officer for Nova

Everyone is welcome to attend this free public forum.

Brought to you as part of the Canadian Public Health Association 2008
Annual Conference, in partnership with the Canadian Institute for Health
Information - Canadian Population Health Initiative; Canadian Institutes
of Health Research - Institute of Population and Public Health; National
Collaborating Centres for Public Health; Public Health Agency of Canada;
and in association with the Public Health Association of Nova Scotia. 

For more information, contact Holly Gillis at 223-5227 or
holly.gillis at cdha.nshealth.ca 
Please let us know if you need local transportation support to attend
the forum.

"The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting for
the old, but on building the new."

Holly Gillis 
Public Health Services, Capital Health 
Telephone 902.481.4958 Cell 902.223.5227 Fax 902.481.5803
holly.gillis at cdha.nshealth.ca 

7 Mellor Avenue, Unit #5
Dartmouth, NS B3B 0E8

Think Green! Consider the environment before printing this email.

"The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting for
the old, but on building the new."
Holly Gillis 
Public Health Services, Capital Health 
Telephone 902.481.4958   Cell  902.223.5227  Fax 902.481.5803
holly.gillis at cdha.nshealth.ca
7 Mellor Avenue, Unit #5
Dartmouth, NS  B3B 0E8
Think Green! Consider the environment before printing this email.
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