[Sust-mar] The Canadian Department of Peace Initiative (CDPI) Presents: The Peace Option for the 21st Century - May 9

Clare Levin clevin at eastlink.ca
Wed Apr 29 13:07:14 EDT 2009

The Canadian Department of Peace Initiative (CDPI) Presents: The Peace
Option for the 21st Century
Date: Saturday, May 9
Time: 1 pm - 2:30 pm
Place: Dalhousie Multifaith Centre (1321 Edward St.)
Presenter: Theresa Dunn, Co-Chair, Pan Canadian Department of Peace

CDPI is committed to the establishment of a Department of Peace within the
Government of Canada. The mandate of the Minister of Peace would be to
reinvigorate Canada's role as a peacekeeper and peacebuilder in the world.
Please come out on May 9th to learn more about the evolution of the CDPI
over the years and find out how you can get involved in building a culture
of peace in Canada.

For more information, please see http://www.departmentofpeace.ca/.

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