[Sust-mar] "Me and you for laugh together" - a presentation about peace education and life in Sierra Leone

Clare Levin clevin at eastlink.ca
Sat Aug 22 06:56:46 EDT 2009

"Me and you for laugh together" - a presentation about peace education and
life in Sierra Leone Thursday, September 3, 7:30 pm 
Lutheran Church, 2096 Windsor St, corner of Windsor and Allan

"Me and you for laugh together" is a Krio expression common in Sierra Leone
for creating a space for people to come together and share and laugh with
one another.

You are invited to an evening of learning about peace education projects and
life in Sierra Leone. Carolyn van Gurp will present images and updates on
this work and on life in Mapaki, Sierra Leone on Thursday, September 3, 7:30
pm at the Lutheran Church (2096 Windsor St, corner of Windsor and Allan).
Hope to see you there!

This presentation is organized by Peaceful Schools International. For more
information, please see: www.peacefulschoolsinternational.org.

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