[Sust-mar] Wind Workshop for Landowners

Mark Butler ar427 at chebucto.ns.ca
Mon Apr 12 14:43:57 EDT 2010

Please Forward
Announcement: Wind Energy Workshop for Landowners

Who:    	Landowners in Nova Scotia

What:   	Harvest the Wind: A One-day Wind Energy Workshop for
 		Nova Scotia Landowners

When: 		9:30-3:30, Friday, April 23, 2010

Where:		Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro (in the Cumming Hall

Why:		Find out whether your land is suitable for installing
 		large or small wind turbines, and what you need to know to
 		get started on harvesting wind energy.

Details:	www.nsac.ca/wind or www.ecologyaction.ca/wind

Register:	Contact Sara Greenberg, windenergy at ecologyaction.ca or
 		902 442 0202


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