[Sust-mar] Dandelion Festival

Julia Kemp urbanfarming at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 14:28:43 EDT 2010

Hello Everyone,

Here is the updated information for the Dandelion Festival!

Dandelions are the original home-grown, DIY, local, non-corporate,
uncultivated anarchist of the plant world. Sprayed, dug poisoned and
trampled, defamed, debunked and scorned, they rise up relentlessly. They are
the first abundant edible in earliest spring—no greenhouse, no plastic! They
turn fields from green to gold, fill the breeze with plumed DIY seeds.
Fall-dug roots make a coffee substitute that is diuretic, gives you
potassium and cleans your liver. For free!

*Dandelion Festival 2010: May 1th-8th*
is a creation of the Grainery Food Co-op<http://thegrainery.wikispaces.com/>.
This year the schedule includes:

   - Dandelion Picking -- *Sat. May 1st 12:30 pm* (meet at the corner of
   Robie and South St by Gorsebrook Jr. High School*), *bring spades if you
   have them!*

   - Pancake brunch -- *Sunday May 2nd, 11:30am*
   (at the Grainery, 2385 Agricola

   - Pasta Making & cooking -- *Wednesday May 5th, 6:30pm*
   with *Moonfire Organic Farm* (at the Union Mission Kitchen, 2107
   Brunswick St.<http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2107+Brunswick+St.+Halifax+NS&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=27.767087,56.25&ie=UTF8&ll=44.653406,-63.581057&spn=0.007464,0.013733&z=16>)

   - Weed walk -- *Thursday May 6th*, 6:00pm
   with *Jen Stotland* (starting at the George Dixon horseshoe courts, 2501
   Gottingen St.<http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=2501%20Gottingen%20Halifax%2C%20Nova%20Scotia>)

   - Fermentation workshop -- *Friday May 7th, 6:00pm*
   mead & ginger beer with *Jocelyne & Natalia* (at the Grainery, 2385
   Agricola St.<http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&q=The+Grainery+Store,+2385+Agricola,+Halifax,+NS&?=14>)

   - Dandelion Festival Celebration! -- *Saturday May 8th*

*Dandelion Festival Celebration*
Saturday, May 8th 3:30-8:00pm
at the George Dixon Centre, 2501 Gottingen

   - potluck with Dandelion foods
   - information tables & activities
   - children's games
   - live music & entertainment - Moonshine Ramblers at 7pm!
   - open mic for poetry, music and stories
   - free, donations appreciated!

Join our event on

*It's time to start loving Dandelions!*

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