[Sust-mar] Submission

samantha munroe sammunroe at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 12:29:22 EDT 2010

The Sierra Club -- Atlantic Chapter invites you to attend its first
ActionH20 Summit on Water Quality and Conservation. Sierra Club Canada has
recently launched ActionH20, a national water campaign that provides
grassroots groups, community leaders and municipal staff with tools and
resources to achieve sustainable water conservation practices in Canadian
communities. With issues like water contamination from mining,
pesticide-induced fish kills, and concerns over water quality affecting our
communities; the protection of our water is more important than ever. This
summit offers a unique opportunity to equip its participants with the
necessary tools to change how water is managed in Atlantic Canada.

The ActionH2O summit will be held Saturday, August 14th and Sunday, August
15th at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

The agenda includes:
Guided training on water quality testing (optional)
Interactive workshops on water conservation
Skill-building sessions on planning campaigns, media skills, outreach,
technology, and influencing policy
Regional and Provincial networking sessions with water protection groups
Sessions led by the Sierra Club Canada’s Executive Director, John Bennett
Opportunities to explore the beautiful and historic Town of Wolfville (visit
Delicious locally prepared dinner by the head chef of the award winning
restaurant The Tempest (with vegetarian/vegan options; visit
If you are interested in attending, please fill out and return the attached
registration form by August 3rd at the latest.  You can also register online
at http://actionh2o.ca/form/registration-atlantic-actionh2o-summit.
Registration is limited. The cost of registration for the summit is $20 for
Sierra Club Canada members and $40 non-members. Cost of membership is
$20.00. Meals will be provided and billeted accommodations will be
available. Please make payments out to Sierra Club Canada - Atlantic Chapter
and mail to our office in Halifax: Sierra Club Canada - Atlantic Canada
Chapter, 1657 Barrington St., Suite 533, Halifax, NS, B3J 2A1. Payment in
person at the event is also possible.

If cost is an issue, please do not hesitate to contact us. A limited number
of travel bursaries are available on an individual basis.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.


James Hutt and Samantha Munroe
Water Coordinators
Sierra Club Canada – Atlantic Canada Chapter
Email: jamesh at sierraclub.ca, samm at sierraclub.ca
Phone: 902-444-3113

Sierra Club Canada is a member-based organization that empowers people to
protect, restore and enjoy a healthy and safe planet.
Join the Club! www.sierraclub.ca

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