[Sust-mar] Urban farm for Halifax Common? Sunday Consultation

Pat Kipping (home) kipper at ns.sympatico.ca
Wed Nov 17 07:21:42 EST 2010

Capital Health's Partners for Care is seeking creative ideas on how to  
use a piece of Common land for the common good.

Common Roots - incorporating Health Education and Agriculture invites  
people to a public forum to explore the idea of an urban farm as an  
interim use on the site of the former Queen Elizabeth High School.
Sunday Nov 21 - 12:30 - 4:30
Guild Hall
Hotel Atlantica - 1980 Robie St. (Across from QEHS site) Halifax

A follow-up Open House will share and confirm ideas from the public  
Wednesday, Dec 1 5:00-7:00 pm
RBC Auditorium, QEII Health Sciences Centre
1796 Summer St.

More info: Roma Jean Dingwell 423-8553
participate at cdh@nshealth.ca


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