[Sust-mar] Engaging for Transition: Looking for interest in and around Halifax.

Peter Watson pwatson at ns.sympatico.ca
Tue Sep 7 11:25:20 EDT 2010

I am planning a tour of Nova Scotia this Fall and I'm wondering if you  
or some of your associates might be interested in what I offer.  A  
public meeting, or a pot luck with friends focused on the topic  
afterward.  Either way, interesting discussions result.

A short description is copied below.

Due to a couple of cancelations, I have openings the evenings of  
Tuesday, September 28th, Thursday Sept. 30 and possibly Friday October  
1.  Please let me know if this is of any interest.  I am also looking  
for a place to billet during the intervening nights.

Hoping that Earl was not too hard on you,  best wishes.

Yours, Mike N.

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking
we used when we created them."
Albert Einstein

Living on Earth as if we want to stay

A public discussion with Mike Nickerson.

If personal security is threatened by an economic crisis with  
undertones of the climate and energy issues, what does it all mean for  
the children and grandchildren?

While humans are a gifted creature, finding our way out of the present  
situation requires that we acknowledge how the world has changed.

For forty years, Mike Nickerson has been studying the problems and  
solutions of our times.  His study, from outside of institutional  
molds, reveals how societies change.  Nickerson will facilitate a  
discussion based on his book "Life, Money & Illusion; Living on Earth  
as if we want to stay."

In his book, Nickerson explores the implications of attempting  
perpetual growth on our finite planet. He also outlines ways in which  
we can adapt to what he calls the maturation of the human species."   
There is a time for growing and there is a time for mature  
responsibility." he says.  "The human family is at the threshold of a  
new era and we are feeling adolescent angst as we pine for the  
carefree growth of childhood."

In the same ways that life doesn't end with individual maturity, there  
are vast opportunities awaiting a post-growth society.  To come of age  
as a society, however, we have to deal with the "growth hormone" that  
makes the economy ill when it is not expanding.  The first step is to  
choose between the goal of long-term well-being and that of perpetual  
expansion.  It is a Question of Direction.

Whether at a library, meeting hall or after a pot luck at someone's  
home, following an  introduction to the challenge and goal ahead of  
us, interesting discussion inevitably follows.

We could recreate mutual provision (the economy) in a way that can  
provide for countless generations to come.

A variety of information on the tour is available at: http://www.sustainwellbeing.net/planning_an_event.html

*   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *

"There is a tradition in some societies,
whenever decisions are being made, to consider
the interests of the next seven generations.

For the modern world to do the same
would mark our passage to maturity."

*   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *   -   *


Sustainability Project / 7th Generation Initiative
2799 McDonalds Corners Rd.
RR #3
Lanark, Ontario
K0G 1K0

phone: (613) 482-1208
e-mail:  sustain5 at web.ca

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