[Sust-mar] Oxfam Fair Food Fair - Sunday October 16, 1-4 pm

Clare Levin clevin at eastlink.ca
Tue Oct 11 06:06:33 EDT 2011

Oxfam Fair Food Fair
Celebrating World Food Day in support of famine relief in East Africa

Sunday October 16, 2011
at the Halifax Seaport Farmer's Market Pavillion 20
please drop by anytime between 1:00-4:00pm

What would a world where there is FOOD FOR ALL look like?
How can we create it together?

- Exhibits about food security and sustainable agriculture from local and
international organizations in Halifax
- Music by Cassie-Anne and Maggie-Jane MacDonald, Steve Dunn and Michael
Redden (presented by Music For Good)
- Samplings of local/organic/seasonal/fair trade culinary creations by
Halifax restaurants, farmers and food producers
- Speakers from Cuba on global food justice

Admission by donation ($6 suggested)

All are welcome!

Info: halifax at oxfam.ca / 902 425 7877

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