[Sust-mar] McNabs Island AGM

Friends of McNabs Island Society krista at friendsofmcnabs.com
Thu Apr 19 09:10:09 EDT 2012

Media Release for Friends of McNabs Island
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Friends of McNabs Island Society presents:

   Wednesday, May 2, 2012
   7:00 pm
   Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
   Small Craft Gallery
   1675 Lower Water Street, Halifax

   _Presentation: "Climate Change impacts McNabs Island"_
   Guest Speaker - _Gavin Manson_

   _Gavin Manson, a Coastal Geologist_ with the Natural Resources Canada will
   present an illustrated talk entitled the _Shorelines of McNabs Island in a
   Changing Climate_, a photographic tour of how the island’s coastline is
   changing due to storm surges, hurricanes and coastal erosion_. _The
   BIO-based geologist will discuss his findings from a 15-year investigation
   of the island’s dramatically changing shoreline using historical maps,
   photos, and charts and recent satellite images.

   This free event is open to the public.

   Catherine McCarthy
   President, Friends of McNabs Island Society
   [2]mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca
   434-2254 evenings or 456-9167 cell
       2. mailto:mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca

   _Public inquiries contact: _
   Faye at 443-1749
   [3]mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca
       3. mailto:mcnabs at chebucto.ns.ca
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   _Our mailing address is:_
   *|Friends of McNabs Island Society
   P.O. Box 31240
   Gladstone RPO
   Halifax, NS, B3K 5Y1|*

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