[Sust-mar] Thermometer rising: Ice, methane and climate change

Christopher Majka c.majka at ns.sympatico.ca
Wed May 16 11:58:19 EDT 2012

Hi folks,

Those who are interested in environmental and climate change issues  
may be interested in my recent (published yesterday) article for  
Rabble.ca, Thermometer rising: Ice, methane and climate change (Nova  
Scotians will doubtless recognize the allusion to Hugh MacLennan. ;~>):

	Thermometer rising: Ice, methane and climate change

Are dire warnings of climate change warranted? Declining arctic sea  
ice and increasing methane emissions indicate they are.

With climatologists such James Hansen, director of the NASA Goddard  
Institute for Space Studies, warning that 50 percent of plant species  
could become extinct and that human civilization is at risk, and the  
Arctic Emergency Methane Group warning of worldwide crop failures and  
the collapse of civilization, one might reasonably expect that  
politicians would respond with serious attention – and action. So, why  
is the silence deafening?

While civilization nears a precipice, political leaders are speeding  
up the pace at which we are racing towards the cliff.

In this article I examine recent data on diminishing arctic sea ice  
and increasing levels of methane emissions to develop a better  
understanding of what's in store for the world in the event that we  
fail to grapple with this serious issue.

Best wishes,


Christopher Majka
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
c.majka at ns.sympatico.ca

It's true we're on the wrong track, but we're compensating for this  
short-coming by accelerating. - Stanislav Lec

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