[Sust-mar] Your invitation to Citizens for Public Transit Annual General Meeting

CPT CPT at eastlink.ca
Fri May 18 19:40:08 EDT 2012

Citizens for

Public Transit


Annual General Meeting


Action Discussions

*Getting Buses here in **Lunenburg****County**!*

“Promoting Affordable & Accessible Public Transit”
Lunenburg Fire Hall*

*25 Medway Street***

*Wednesday, June 6^th. , 2012 @ **7:00 p.m.***

*/Help others to attend the meeting- share a ride!/*

/Light refreshments served./

For more information about Citizens for Public Transit (CPT), read the 
following statement and use the links provided. **

Citizens for Public Transit Society(CPT)promotes the development of a Public Transit System that is sustainable, affordable, and accessible to all Citizens of Lunenburg County, and encourages involvement of the residents of Lunenburg County in the decision-making processes.

Contact Information:

Mailing: P.O.Box# 401
          Mahone Bay, NS   B0J 2E0
   eMail: CPT at eastlink.ca
   URL: http://transitlunenburg.ca
   Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/CitizensforPublicTransit

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