[Sust-mar] Permaculture 101, NS, August 17, 2013

Steph Hughes stephdhughes at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 21:00:11 EDT 2013

Curious about Permaculture? Come out for an *Introduction to
Permaculture*workshop at the Deanery next month! There's a great
definition of
Permaculture here <http://fingerlakespermaculture.org/?page_id=55>,
courtesy of the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute, where workshop leader,
Steph Hughes, received her certification last year.

The day will be geared for beginners/those new to Permaculture, but all
wisdom and experience is welcome! The poster is attached, please do pass
this email and the poster on to anyone you think might be interested!!

Please direct registration inquiries to The Deanery at
thedeaneryproject at gmail.com or 902-845-1888.

Where: THE DEANERY <http://thedeaneryproject.com/>, SHIP HARBOUR
When: SATURDAY AUGUST 27TH, 2013 from 9:30 to 5:00
Cost: $70 includes LUNCH

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