[Sust-mar] Research Assistant Job Postings (Community Food Security)

Satya Ramen sramen75 at yahoo.ca
Mon May 27 15:47:28 EDT 2013

Are you someone with a passion for food, social justice and socialchange?   

Community- & university-based researchers have collected a tremendous amount of research on different aspects of community food security in Nova Scotia through the Activating Change Together for Community Food Security project (www.foodarc.ca/actforcfs).  During the next several months, we will be sharing these early results with our team and preparing to engage communities in conversations to move towards policy action plans.  In addition, we’re gathering information on what we’re learning about community food security, working collaboratively, and how we’re building capacity at multiple levels. 

We’re seeking two (2) part-time (10-12 hours / week) Research Assistants.  One position is with the Education & Training Working Group to support the development of knowledge and skills of students and team members in participatory action research, community food security and the development of strategies for policy change through innovative and diverse educational and training opportunities. One position is with the Evaluation Working Group to support gathering information about what we are achieving (our outcomes) and how
 we do it (our process). The information is being gathered from the 
diverse participants of ACT for CFS using a developmental evaluation 
approach, which includes the timely sharing of evaluation information 
with team members to support changes. 

Please prepare a cover letter (addressed to: Selection Committee) and 
résumé in one electronic file (pdf is preferred) and email to 
satya.ramen at msvu.ca by Monday, June 10th @ 4 pm.  We are open to individuals applying for both positions. For more information on hours, wages, how to apply and the required qualifications, then please visit: http://foodarc.ca/about/volunteer-employment-opportunities/ 

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