[Sust-mar] The Art of Community: Presentation and Workshop - October 25 - 28, Halifax/ Ship Harbour NS

Caitlin Smith caitlin.a.smith at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 12:48:43 EDT 2013

The Deanery Project & Jumblies Theatre are proud to present

The Art of Community

Explore the principles and practices of arts that engage with and create
community: definitions, values, ethics, challenges, partnerships,
facilitation, arts-based research, collaboration across disciplines and
traditions, site-specific performance, creative process and more.

*Presentation in Halifax*
*Thursday October 24, 7 - 9pm
Location: Wonder’neath, 2891 Isleville, Halifax
Presentation by Ruth Howard (Artistic Director of Jumblies Theatre),
refreshments and conversation.
Open to all: free admission, donations appreciated.

*Deanery Project Workshop*

October 25-28, four day, hands-on residency
Lead by Ruth Howard and other guest artists;
Limited places, early registration recommended
Location: The Deanery Project,
Ship Harbour, NS (60 km east of Halifax)
Fee: $280 with some sliding scale and subsidized places available.
Included: meals, accommodation, supplies, program and materials.

Caitlin Smith
Green Building Coordinator
The Deanery Project
Ship Harbour, NS
phone: 902-845-1888
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