[Sust-mar] Farmer Fundraiser Dinner: HALIFAX, Sept. 29th

Steph Hughes stephdhughes at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 11:25:30 EDT 2013

Care about organic food and farming? Want to support new entrants? Consider
attending this year's "Grow a Farmer" fundraising dinner.

View the menu/Buy a ticket online: http://growafarmer.ca/nsfundraiser/

A program of ACORN (the Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network), Grow a
Farmer is an incredibly effective farm apprenticeship program that provides
young farmers with resources, mentorship, guidance and oversight as they
learn the ropes of organic farming.

The meal will be held at The Wooden Monkey restaurant in Dartmouth
(Alderney Drive) on September 29th, 2013, at 6:30 p.m.. The meal will be
delicious, the cause is great! Spread the word!

View the menu/Buy a ticket online: http://growafarmer.ca/nsfundraiser/

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