[Sust-mar] FBC Events and Updates

Falls Brook Centre fallsbrook at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 10:05:05 EST 2014

FBC continues to offer great programming through the winter

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Falls Brook Centre
426 West Glassville Rd
Glassville, NB

fallsbrook at gmail.com

Connect with us!
fb: /fallsbrook
twitter: @PermacultureFBC

** Save the Dates
** July 9-11 Sustainable Building Course
** July 11-13 Falls Brook Free School
** Sept 6 Falls Brook Fair

Breaking trail for a snowshoe loppet around the future wetland site at FBC
Our future wetland could look like this
Let's Talk Solar will explore Domestic Solar Systems
Holiday photo from FBC's Open House on December 6
It won't be long before the famed Falls Brook Barn Dances - Stay tuned!
Winter Orchard pruning workshop with Mike Hutton
FBC is offering a 3-day Wilderness First Aid Course Mar 4-6. Click the logo for more info.

** World Wetland Day

** FBC is reclaiming a wetland and replanting species native to the Acadian Forest in a project titled RARE "Restoration of Acadian Riparian Ecosystems"

Riparian ecosystems lie within the area between river and land environments. Historically, these areas have been subject to intense farming, urban sprawl, and industrial development. These activities have caused these diverse ecosystems to become the most threatened in the world. The biodiversity of these ecosystems has not gone unnoticed, and in 1971 wetlands became the only ecosystem to be protected by the signing of a global environmental treaty. World Wetlands Day marks the date the treaty was signed and has been celebrated globally since 1997.

As part of the R.A.R.E project, FBC will be reclaiming a wetland area and will also restore the forested area close to the wetland, returning it to an Acadian Forest. The main objectives of this project include the rejuvenation of productive wildlife habitat and improved overall water quality in local and neighbouring watersheds. FBC will focus on planting native species, offering tours of the project in progress, and the creation of interactive signage. FBC is also inviting researchers to submit proposals to use the site as an eco-lab for short and long term research projects involving the restoration of riparian ecosystems and Acadian forests.

Email Nathalie (mailto:nathalie at fallsbrookcentre.ca?subject=RARE%20Research%20Project) for more info

** Let's Talk Solar - Parlons Solaire

** Presentation series February 5 in Sackville, February 6 in Memramcook (bilingual)

This presentation includes video presentations of "Moving Forward" and "Our Energy Future" followed by a short presentation from Efficiency NB. The special guest speaker is Woody Thompson who will give a presentation on Residential Solar Power & Solar Water Heating Systems.

The presentation will be offered at the Vogue Cinema in Sackville at 7pm and at the Memramcook Public Library at 7pm. For more info call 506-536-1260.

** Winter Orchard Pruning Workshop

** Saturday, Feb 8, 12:30pm-4pm, $10/person or $20/family

Winter pruning is essential to the health of your fruit trees. The goal of pruning is to remove any dead, damaged, diseased or displaced branches while encouraging your tree to grow and produce excellent fruit. After attending this workshop, you should be able to return home and prune your apple trees for maximum fruit production.

This workshop will be led by Mike Hutton of HutLo Acres. In addition to pruning, Mike will also demonstrate the technique of grafting if there is enough time. Students are asked to register in advance by emailing Greg (mailto:greg at fallsbrookcentre.ca?subject=Orchard%20Pruning%20registration) or calling 506-246-1114, and to bring any pruning tools they have. Everyone will have a chance to give it a try.

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** Winter Ed-Venture: X-Country Skiing and Climate Change

** Sunday, March 2, 1pm-3pm

Bring your skis, snowshoes, or sturdy boots and join us on a climate change ed-venture for all ages. Climate change is happening, and no season is left unaffected. Take a walk with FBC staff to learn about winter flora and fauna, and how climate change will affect our favourite winter pass-times over the coming decades. Hot drinks and snacks will be provided.

Email Tim (mailto:tim at fallsbrookcentre.ca?subject=Ed-Venture%20Sign-up) to register or call 506-246-1114. MORE INFO (http://fallsbrookcentre.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=9650845d354435e72d34ccdae&id=9a8a404225&e=e999f586c2)


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