[Sust-mar] EOS Spring 2014 Newsletter / Bulletin d'EOS printemps 2014
EOS Eco-Energy
eos at nb.aibn.com
Mon Jun 2 09:38:16 EDT 2014
Springtime at EOS
Executive director Amanda Marlin at home with her solar panel. A great sunny spring day means plenty of hot water for her and her family! But did you know that solar hot water systems also make hot water on cloudy days? If you're interested in joining the growing number of people in Tantramar with solar hot water systems, get in touch with EOS. We can help!
Monday, June 2, 2014
Isn’t spring the best time of year? I love all the seasons in Tantramar but spring brings so much hope for a new beginning as plants and trees come back to life, birds return and a collective re-awakening seems to take place. And this spring is especially exciting for EOS as we celebrate our 10th anniversary! People often ask me what EOS stands for. It isn’t an acronym but is the Greek word for “dawn” or “new beginning”. That was the desire of the founders of EOS 10 years ago – to create a new beginning in Tantramar - the dawn of wise energy use, of sustainability, of opportunity through climate change awareness and adaptation. This spring at EOS we are looking forward to a new year of projects focused on climate change, adaptation, energy, and reducing carbon emissions.
We recently heard that our applications to the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund were successful! We will be continuing our education and outreach work on climate change and adaptation across Tantramar. We will also be working with local communities to design their emissions reduction plans as part of the Partners for Climate Protection Program. And EOS will be planting rain gardens across the region – a simple way to adapt to climate change induced flooding (more details below)! Mount Allison University, through their Green Investment Fund, is also supporting our project to install an electric vehicle charger in Sackville in partnership with the Town of Sackville (more details below). Electric vehicles save tonnes of carbon emissions, taking very little electricity to recharge their batteries! Helping EOS this summer with these projects is Robyn Snook, our new summer student! Welcome Robyn!
Wondering how to support EOS and this year’s exciting projects across Tantramar? Contact EOS at (506) 536-4487 or eos at nb.aibn.com to be on our mailing list and receive future newsletters and notices, to be a volunteer (plant rain gardens, take part in creative outreach activities at community events, have a voice in emissions reduction plans, and more!), become a member (information at the end of this newsletter) or make a donation to our causes and projects. In fact, spring is membership renewal time. Show your support by becoming a member.
Happy spring and happy 10th anniversary to EOS! Here’s to many more decades of great work in Tantramar!
▪ Amanda Marlin, Executive Director
Printemps à EOS
Voici Amanda Marlin, directrice générale, à sa maison avec son panneau solaire. Lors d’une journée de printemps ensoleillée, elle et sa famille a accès à une très grande quantité d’eau chaude! Mais saviez-vous que les systèmes de chauffage d’eau alimentés à l’énergie solaire produisent également de l’eau chaude durant les journées nuageuses? Si vous souhaitez vous joindre au nombre grandissant de personnes à Tantramar qui sont dotées de ce système, communiquez avec EOS. Nous pouvons vous aider!
lundi le 2 juin 2014
Ne pensez-vous pas que le printemps est la plus belle période de l’année? J’aime toutes les saisons à Tantramar, mais le printemps apporte un grand espoir de nouveaux débuts à mesure que les plantes et les arbres reprennent vie, que les oiseaux reviennent dans la région et que la communauté se ranime. Par ailleurs, ce printemps est particulièrement excitant pour EOS, car l’organisation célèbre son 10e anniversaire! Les gens me demandent souvent ce que signifie EOS. Il ne s’agit pas d’un acronyme, mais bien d’un mot grec qui désigne « l’aube » ou encore « un nouveau début ». C’était là le souhait des fondateurs d’EOS il y a 10 ans, soit de créer un nouveau début pour Tantramar – l’aube d’une sage utilisation de l’énergie, de la durabilité, et de la saisie de possibilités par l’entremise d’une sensibilisation et d’une adaptation aux changements climatiques. C’est donc avec plaisir que ce printemps à EOS, nous commençons une nouvelle année de projets axés sur le changement et l’adaptation climatiques, l’énergie et la réduction des émissions de carbone.
Nous avons appris récemment que les demandes de financement que nous avons soumises au Fonds en fiducie pour l’environnement du Nouveau-Brunswick ont été acceptées! Nous allons continuer notre travail d’éducation et de sensibilisation sur le changement et l’adaptation climatiques à l’échelle de Tantramar. Nous allons également travailler avec les communautés locales à concevoir leurs plans de réduction d’émissions dans le cadre du programme Partenaires dans la protection du climat. En outre, EOS plantera des jardins pluviaux dans la région – une simple façon de s’adapter aux inondations causées par le changement climatique (des détails sont fournis plus loin dans le bulletin!). L’Université Mount Allison, par l’entremise de son Green Investment Fund (fonds d’investissement écologique), appuie également notre projet d’installer un chargeur à véhicule électrique à Sackville en partenariat avec la Ville de Sackville (autres détails fournis plus loin). Les véhicules électriques permettent d’éviter des tonnes d’émissions de carbone et nécessitent très peu d’électricité pour recharger les batteries! Robyn Snook, notre nouvelle étudiante d’été à EOS, nous appuiera dans la réalisation de ces projets! Bienvenue Robyn!
Vous vous demandez comment vous pouvez appuyer EOS et les projets excitants de cette année à Tantramar? Communiquez avec EOS au 506-536-4487 ou à eos at nb.aibn.com pour être inclus sur notre liste d’envoi et recevoir nos bulletins et avis, pour devenir bénévole (jardins pluviaux, participation aux activités de sensibilisation créatives lors d’événements communautaires, etc.), pour avoir une voix au sujet des plans de réduction des émissions, et plus!), pour devenir un membre (information à la fin du bulletin) ou pour faire un don à nos causes ou projets. Le printemps est en fait la période de renouvellement de l’adhésion. Démontrez votre soutien en devenant membre.
Un joyeux printemps à tous et à toutes, et merveilleux 10e anniversaire à EOS! Je suis persuadée que nous avons de nombreuses autres décennies de travail remarquable devant nous, à Tantramar!
▪ Amanda Marlin, directrice générale
EOS AGM 2014
Joe Waugh, Efficiency NB presents at the EOS AGM May 21st, 2014.
By Robyn Snook, Student Projects Assistant
At this year’s Annual General Meeting held Wednesday evening, May 21st, 2014 EOS celebrated its 10-year anniversary with catering from the Black Duck Inn and guest speaker, Joe Waugh from Efficiency New Brunswick! EOS president Roland Chiasson chaired the meeting, which took place at the Sackville Visitor Information Centre.
Roland presented an EOS retrospective with a slide show of photographs and event posters from the past 10 years. EOS has accomplished a lot – from early workshops on solar energy and sustainability, bike rides that raised awareness of climate change, to Tantramar 2040, to last year’s climate change toolkit and much more!
Mr. Joe Waugh gave a wonderful talk on how Efficiency New Brunswick operates and different ways they’ve contributed to creating a more energy efficient New Brunswick and helping residents get there. Since 2005 Efficiency NB has supplied $50 million in incentives and has helped make 30,000 homes more energy efficient. Thus leading to $286 million invested back into the economy and energy savings equivalent to taking 33, 333 cars off the road for an entire year! Efficiency NB’s future plans include completing their residential programs for existing homes, continuing the Low Income Energy Efficiency Program for the following year, continuing the commercial program, and public outreach and advising programs.
Recapping the past year for EOS was executive director, Amanda Marlin explaining the climate change outreach and education work undertaken. Amanda mentioned the long list of outreach activities from the past year, which culminated with Tantramar Climate Change Week in early February. EOS also hosted the 2nd annual Climate Change Collaborative Workshop in January and worked on the Partners for Climate Protection Program’s milestone 2 with Tantramar communities. Amanda also provided a briefing of the trial Tantramar shuttle (see more below). Julia Feltham of Renaissance Sackville and Transportation for Tantramar (TFT) provided an update on the Enterprise CarShare program and is looking forward to obtaining more members over the 6 month trial period. TFT is hoping to obtain 50 members in order to continue a successful program.
For the remainder of the year EOS is planning many activities and continuing many projects including climate change education and outreach programs and installing an electric vehicle charger in Sackville. EOS will be aiding Sackville, Port Elgin and Dorchester with their emission reduction plans as part of the Partners for Climate Protection program. This summer rain gardens will be planted throughout the Tantramar region to help with storm water run off and adapt to changing precipitation patterns due to climate change.
Upon nearing the end of the meeting, the finical report for the 2013 – 2014 fiscal year was presented and passed. New board members were also nominated and voted in (see below). EOS staff and board look forward to another exciting year!
Welcome to our New Board Members!
At the recent EOS AGM new board members were voted in. EOS would like to welcome Anne Goodwin of Baie Verte and Julia Feltham of Sackville to our Board of Directors as community members at large. We would also like to welcome Ian Chew, a Mount Allison University student, as our youth rep. We look forward to working with them! At the AGM we also said goodbye to Guy Gautreau, community member at large from Memramcook. EOS thanks him for his insights, ideas and support during his time on the board of directors.
Bienvenue à nos nouveaux membres du conseil
Au cours de dernière AGA les membres ont été votés pour les nouveaux membres du conseil. EOS souhaite la bienvenue à Anne Goodwin de Baie Verte et Julia Feltham, de Sackville à notre conseil. Nous aimerions également souhaiter la bienvenue à Ian Chew, un étudiant de l'Université Mount Allison, comme notre représentant de la jeunesse. Nous sommes impatients de travailler avec eux! Lors de l'AGA, nous avons aussi dit au revoir à Guy Gautreau, membre de la communauté de Memramcook. EOS le remercie pour se temps sur le conseil et ses idées.
EOS Awards its Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant to Open Sky Co-operative!
Seen here is Open Sky board member Kathy Tapley-Milton receiving the cheque from EOS president Roland Chiasson.
During the past year, EOS advertised for and accepted applications for its Energy Efficiency Retrofit Grant for Tantramar non-profit organizations. At our recent AGM we presented the grant of $3100 to Open Sky Co-operative. They are using the grant to install a solar hot water system in their new community education faculty’s teaching kitchen. Congratulations Open Sky! Seen here is Open Sky board member Kathy Tapley-Milton receiving the cheque from EOS president Roland Chiasson.
Trial Tantramar Shuttle Project Ends
Find the full final report on the shuttle project at www.eosecoenergy.com.
By Amanda Marlin, Executive Director
The Tantramar shuttle project was funded by Renaissance Sackville and the Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation. A public survey during the winter identified the need to travel to Moncton and Amherst for shopping/errands, medical appointments, and social/recreation needs. Thus the trial shuttle service was designed around these needs. The one-month trial Tantramar shuttle service took place from mid March to mid April with routes from all four Tantramar communities to Amherst and Moncton. The trial shuttle period was not busy enough to continue. However, the small number of riders were all very satisfied with the service at Eastlink Shuttle (the charter company used) and there were many inquiries and a lot of support for the project. EOS hosted a follow-up workshop to the trial shuttle in late April in partnership with the Westmorland-Albert Community Inclusion Network. The public workshop was attended by 16 people from across the Tantramar region including municipal councilors and staff, Eastlink Shuttle, the Tantramar Family Resource Centre, Baie Verte Seniors Club, Sackville Food Bank, concerned local residents, and many others. There is a desire to continue the conversation around local transportation needs and to possibly start a dial-a-ride service with local volunteer drivers. A steering committee will be set up to move this initiative forward. For more information on the shuttle project contact EOS at eos at nb.aibn.com or (506) 536-4487. Read the final report at at www.eosecoenergy.com. EOS wishes to thank Eastlink Shuttle for its service during the trial period.
EOS Awarded Funding to Help Tantramar Reduce Carbon Emissions
Member communities earn a puzzle piece in the Partners for Climate Protection trophy for each milestone they complete.
By Amanda Marlin, Executive Director
Sackville, Port Elgin and Dorchester all achieved Milestone 2 of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program this past winter and were recently recognized nationally in the PCP spring newsletter! The PCP program is part of an international initiative to reduce carbon emissions at the municipal level through a five-step process. In Canada it is administered through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Check out http://www.fcm.ca/home/programs/partners-for-climate-protection.htm for more information. Milestone one involved collecting an emissions inventory, which was completed with 2011 data in all three communities. Milestone two saw the municipal councils adopt emissions reduction targets for their municipal operations as well as their communities (residents, businesses, institutions and industry). EOS worked with municipal councils and staff in the three communities to select reduction targets of between 10 and 20% for their municipal operations and between 6 and 10% for community activities by 2021. A Lions Club Breakfast, community meeting, pizza party, information booths during Climate Change Week, articles in the Tribune-Post and social media were used by EOS to engage community members in Sackville, Port Elgin and Dorchester about the reduction targets and they were well received in each community and passed by the municipal councils this past winter. The program is voluntary but it is hoped that everyone will do their part to reduce emissions and fight climate change locally.
EOS has been awarded funding by the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund to work on Milestone three with Sackville, Port Elgin and Dorchester this year. Milestone three involves local action plans to achieve the reduction targets. EOS will be working with local municipal councils and community members to design the action plans. For more information on the PCP program or to get involved in the action plan design, contact executive direct or Amanda Marlin at eos at nb.aibn.com or (506) 536-4487 or check out www.eosecoenergy.com.
Sackville Recipients of Premier’s Energy Efficiency Awards
There were two recipients of the Premier’s Energy Efficiency Awards from Sackville at the recent ceremony in Grand Bay-Westfield, NB on May 22nd. The awards recognize innovation and leadership in energy efficiency in New Brunswick. EOS would like to congratulate to winners from Sackville! EnerGreen Builders Co-operative won the Energy Efficiency Champion – Residential award. And Carole Belliveau won the Outstanding Energy Efficiency Project, Residential Multi-Unit Retrofit award.
Electric Vehicle Chargers Coming to Sackville
EOS has been awarded a grant from Mount Allison University’s Green Investment Fund to install an electric vehicle charger in Sackville. EOS is partnering with the Town of Sackville and plans to install the charger this summer! The Green Investment Fund seeks to support projects that reduce carbon emissions in Tantramar and is funded by Mount Allison University student fees.
Rain Gardens Across Tantramar this Summer!
Rain gardens are a natural storm water management option.
By Robyn Snook, Student Projects Assistant
EOS has been awarded a New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund grant to plant rain gardens across Tantramar this summer. EOS’s work will build on a pilot project conducted by the RCE-Tantramar which saw three gardens planted and tested in Sackville last summer.
Rain gardens are a sustainable, natural and beautiful way to manage storm water runoff. Climate change will lead to greater storm events and intensities, therefore ways to manage storm water runoff should be explored and implemented to avoid potential flooding events. Rain gardens are a shallow depression, which collect rainwater allowing for less water to reach the storm drains helping to avoid potential flooding. When strategically placed, a rain garden absorbs 30 – 40% more water than lawns and utilizes the water to recharge the ground water supply. Because rain gardens hold water only for a short period of time they are not breeding grounds for mosquitoes and their beneficial effects are noticeable after the first heavy rainfall. They are also helpful in filtering pollution from the waterways. Planting rain gardens are done very easily and can be cost efficient for the average homeowner to decrease their contribution to storm water runoff and to beautify their property with native, deep-rooted grasses, rushes and flowers.
Rain gardens are typically planted 10 feet from a building, on slopes with less than a 12% incline and where a shallow grove or bowl shape is present or made. A small berm may be constructed to hold water until it soaks into the soil¬. Sizes vary but have to be a relative size to the downspout water run off to be highly effective. Native plants are then planted within the area and weeding will be needed for the first few years, typically by the third year and onwards maintenance is not required.
In the 2013 pilot project by the RCE-Tantramar three rain gardens were established in the Sackville area with the aid of many wonderful community volunteers. EOS is planning to establish six more throughout the Tantramar region this summer and is currently looking for volunteers, please contact EOS summer student, Robyn Snook at info.eos at bellaliant.com or (506) 536 – 4487 for volunteer opportunities and more information.
Jardins pluvieux à l’échelle de Tantramar cet été!
Les jardins pluviaux constituent une façon durable, naturelle et attrayante de gérer les eaux d’orage.
par Robyn Snook, étudiante adjointe de projets
Dans le cadre du Fonds en fiducie pour l’environnement, EOS s’est vu octroyer une subvention pour planter des jardins pluviaux à Tantramar cet été. Le travail d’EOS misera sur un projet pilote réalisé par RCE-Tantramar, organisation qui a planté et testé trois jardins à Sackville l’été dernier.
Les jardins pluviaux constituent une façon durable, naturelle et attrayante de gérer les eaux d’orage. En raison du changement climatique, il y aura plus d’orages et ces derniers seront d’une plus grande intensité. Il faudrait donc explorer et mettre en œuvre des façons de gérer les eaux d’orage pour éviter d’éventuelles inondations. Les jardins pluviaux sont une dépression profonde qui recueille de l’eau pluviale, ce qui signifie que moins d’eau atteint les conduits pluviaux – réduisant ainsi les risques d’inondation. Lorsqu’il est placé de façon stratégique, un jardin pluvial absorbe de 30 % à 40 % plus d’eau que les pelouses et utilise moins d’eau pour enrichir l’approvisionnement en eaux souterraines. Étant donné que les jardins pluviaux ne retiennent de l’eau que pour une courte période, ils ne sont pas des endroits de reproduction des moustiques et présentent des effets bénéfiques que l’on peut remarquer après la première forte pluie. Par ailleurs, ils sont utiles dans la filtration d’agents pollueurs provenant des cours d’eau. Un jardin pluvial peut être planté très facilement et représente peu de coûts pour le propriétaire typique qui veut réduire sa contribution aux eaux d’orage et embellir son terrain au moyen de plantes indigènes et à racines profondes, de joncs et de fleurs.
On plante habituellement les jardins pluviaux à 10 pi (3 m) d’un immeuble, sur une pente d’une inclinaison inférieure à 12 % et à un endroit où il y a un bosquet profond ou un creux (artificiel ou naturel). Il est possible de construire une petite berme pour retenir l’eau jusqu’à ce que cette dernière pénètre le sol. La taille varie, mais elle doit être assez grande pour que le tuyau d’eau de pluie soit très efficace. On met ensuite des plantes indigènes en terre à cet endroit et enlève les mauvaises herbes (seulement les premières années). Habituellement, à partir de la troisième année, de l’entretien ne sera plus requis.
Lors du projet pilote de 2013 de RCE-Tantramar, trois jardins pluviaux ont été plantés dans la région de Sackville avec l’aide de nombreux bénévoles de la communauté. EOS, qui compte en planter six autres dans la région de Tantramar cet été, est à la recherche de bénévoles. Communiquez avec Robyn Snook, l’étudiante d’été d’EOS, à info.eos at bellaliant.com ou au 506-536-4487 pour en apprendre davantage sur **les possibilités de bénévolat** et obtenir plus de renseignements.
Upcoming Events
**Not-for-Profit Expo and the Salem Summer Send Off, Salem School, Sackville NB June 7th, 2014.**
EOS will be participating in the Not-for-Profit Expo taking place at the 2nd annual Salem Summer Send-Off, happening Saturday, June 7th. Hosted by the Salem Home and School Association, the Send-Off had nearly 500 people attend last year! The event not only draws in Salem Elementary students and their parents, but many others in the community. The Not-for-Profit Expo is a chance for local organizations to showcase their work to the community and garner new volunteer interest. The Expo will take place from 2 - 4 pm at Salem School. Dr. Michael Fox will speak about the newly created outdoor classroom at Salem. Check out EOS’s booth with lots of information on energy conservation and climate change as well as our solar and wind powered toys! For more information on the Not for Profit Expo contact the Tantramar Family Resource Centre at 939-TFRC or tfrcoffice at eastlink.ca.
**Coastal Zone Canada Conference, Halifax, June 15-19th, 2014**
EOS will be presenting on the collaborative approaches to climate change adaptation in Tantramar at the 2014 Coastal Zone Canada Conference taking place in Halifax. The Right Honourable Paul Martin will be a keynote speaker presenting on the work of the United Nations Global Oceans Commission and its recommendations. It’s not too late to register! Go to: http://www.czca-azcc.org/czc-zcc2014/registration.htm
**Upcoming Summer Community Events Across Tantramar**
Look for EOS at your next community event this summer with information on rain gardens, energy efficiency, climate change adaptation and our collection of solar toys! See you soon and have a great summer!
Membership Fees / Frais d’adhésion
Membership includes free newsletters, reduced workshop fees, and a vote at the EOS AGM. Join EOS today and its mission to fight climate change and promote renewables, energy conservation and efficiency!
$15 for Individuals/Personnes : 15 $
$20 for Families/Familles : 20 $
$50 for Non-profit Organizations/
Organismes sans but lucratif : 50 $
$100 for Businesses/Entreprises : 100 $
Make cheques payable to EOS Eco-Energy Inc. Thank you for your support! Merci!
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For More Information / Pour plus de renseignements :
Office / Bureau : 506-536-4487
eos at nb.aibn.com
Web Version
EOS Eco-Energy | PO Box 6001, Sackville, NB E4L 1G6 ~ (506) 536-4487 ~ eos at nb.aibn.com ~ www.eosecoenergy.com
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