[Sust-mar] Learn to Sing Harmonies at the Deanery Project May 10, Ship Harbour, NS
The Deanery Project Ship Harbour
thedeaneryproject at gmail.com
Fri May 2 14:20:58 EDT 2014
Harmony Singing
A Workshop with Betty Belmore
Saturday, May 10
10am to 4pm
Location: The Deanery Project, Ship Harbour, NS
One hour east of Halifax on the #7 Hwy.
Experience the joy of singing with others, learning by ear, and raising
your spirits through music!
Bring your water bottle, voice, ears, big heart and sense of humour.
Notebooks and audio recording (no video) optional.
Cost: $25 includes theory, hours of shared song, lunch and a hike.
Potluck lunch contributions are encouraged!
Spaces are limited
Please register asap
email: thedeaneryproject.co or tel. 902-845-1888
The Deanery Project Team
phone: 902-845-1888
37 Deanery Rd. Ship Harbour NS
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