[Sust-mar] EOS Spring Newsletter - Bulletin du printemps

EOS Eco-Energy eos at nb.aibn.com
Sun Apr 26 20:07:20 EDT 2015

Hello and happy spring!  Bonjour et joyeux printemps!

Staff at EOS Eco-Energy have wrapped up a number of projects this spring including community energy reduction action plans, and climate change education activities. Our report on Sackville's electric vehicle charging station was also completed. We are now starting to hear about funding for the coming year and have been fortunate to receive funding from the Mount Allison Students Union Green Investment Fund to install two solar panel systems on qualifying non-profit and public buildings in Tantramar! We'll have more details in the coming weeks! We have also received funding from Canada Summer Jobs to hire one summer student. Spring is a busy and exciting time in Tantramar and southeast New Brunswick and a variety of events are being planned that we are happy to share with you. In particular our AGM is coming up May 14th and we are looking for nominations to our board of directors. You can read more about these activities and events below.

Le personnel d'EOS Éco-énergie ont fini un certain nombre de projets ce printemps, y compris des plans d'action de réduction de l'énergie, et les activités sur le changement climatique. Notre rapport sur ​​la borne de recharge électrique de Sackville a également été complet. Nous commençons maintenant à entendre parler de financement pour l'année à venir et nous avons recevoir des fonds pour installer deux systèmes solaires pour des organizations à but non lucratif et publics dans Tantramar. Nous aurons plus de détails dans les prochaines semaines! Nous avons également reçu des fonds pour embaucher un étudiant pour l'été. Le printemps est une période très occupée dans Tantramar et le sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick. Une variété d'événements sont prévus que nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous . En particulier notre AGA est à venir le 14 mai et nous sommes à la recherche de candidatures pour notre conseil d'administration. En savoir plus sur ces activités et événements ci-dessous.

Amanda Marlin

Executive Director

Directrice générale

eos at nb.aibn.com ~ (506) 536-4487

EOS is Hiring a Summer Student

Do you know of a student interested in climate change and energy issues in the Tantramar region? Be sure to let them know that EOS is hiring! **The deadline to apply is Tuesday, April 28th.** For more information go to: www.eosecoenergy.com ( http://www.eosecoenergy.com ).

Upcoming Events / Événements


The Co-operative Enterprise Council and the Canadian CED Network are co-hosting a talk by  well known speaker and changemaker, Greg Hemings on April 27 from 9:00 - 12:00 at Mapleton Lodge, Moncton. Greg believes that rural communities in NB are perfectly positioned to cultivate a new economy...one that thrives by creating local business to meet local needs. And he should know. He has been helping rural communities grow their local prosperity potential for 40 years. Join us for an inspiring discussion about rebuilding our rural communities! You can find more information or register at https://ccednet-rcdec.ca/en/event/2015/04/27/growing-local-prosperity-gregory-heming ( https://ccednet-rcdec.ca/en/event/2015/04/27/growing-local-prosperity-gregory-heming ).  Please share with others who may be interested!

**Climate Change, Economics and Transition to a Post Carbon Future**

A talk by Gregory Heming

Hosted by the Tantramar Alliance Against Hydro Fracking

Monday, April 27th, 2015 @ 7pm

Sackville Royal Canadian Legion

15 Lorne St., Sackville, NB

For more information contact: mlerch at nbnet.nb.ca

**Soap and Laundry Soap Making Workshop**

Friday, May 1, 2015

6:00pm to 9:30pm

Marche Moncton Market - Kitchen

Westmorland Street, Moncton , NB

Contact: Green Eye Co-operative info at greeneyecoop.com

Come learn all about soap, a brief history, science and how to make cold process soap and laundry soap. As a participant you will make your own soap and laundry soap using natural additives for colour, skin conditioning and aroma of your choice. All supplies and materials are provided. You get to make and take home your very own batch of soap (14 bars of soap), reusable soap mold and a custom recipe created by you. As well, we will be  learning how to make our own natural laundry soap, which you will also get to take home and try.

Making your own natural soap is great hobby and makes for wonderful custom gifts that can also be helpful in treating skin conditions.

This is a workshop for ages 12 and up. (Teens must be accompanied by an adult) as we will be working with caustic chemicals.

Space is limited! Advanced registration required $80

**EOS Eco-Energy Annual General Meeting / Assemblée générale annuelle**

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

7-9pm (refreshments and networking at 6:30pm)

Sackville Visitor Information Centre

34 Mallard Dr., Sackville, NB

Learn about EOS's successes over the past year and our plans for the future! The board will also be proposing some changes to the bylaws affecting life membership and other policies. Be sure to attend. Guest speaker to be announced. Stay tuned for more details!

We are also looking for new board members as some of current members' terms are ending. If you know of someone interested in being nominated to the board (or for more information on what is involved in being on the board) please contact our chair, Roland Chiasson at corvus at nbnet.nb.ca or 536-1260.

**EV2015VÉ Conference**

Electric Mobility Canada is organizing the 7th annual national EV event in Halifax, Nova Scotia from May 25th to 27th, 2015. Deadline to register is May 15th, 2015.

The theme for the 2015 conference is EVs Coast to Coast: Innovation & Infrastructure and encourages a focus on the rapid changes in many aspects of electric mobility for all modes of transport. EV2015VÉ will be of particular interest to those supplying, operating or planning to market electric vehicle technologies in Canada. Find out more at http://emc-mec.ca/ev2015ve/en/ ( http://emc-mec.ca/ev2015ve/en/ ).

Read about our EV Charger Project

Sackville’s electric vehicle charging station was installed last fall and its use has been monitored. The final project report is now available here ( http://eosecoenergy.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/2015-FINAL-REPORT-EV-charger.pdf ) (in English only). EOS wishes to thank the Mount Allison Student’s Union Green Investment Fund as well as the Town of Sackville for helping to fund this project. The Town of Sackville is also covering the ongoing costs of the charging station so that the public may charge vehicles for free! For more information on this project, please contact EOS at eos at nb.aibn.com or 506-536-4487.

La borne de recharge électrique à Sackville

EOS Éco-énergie s’est associée avec la Ville de Sackville, au Nouveau-Brunswick, pour installer une borne de recharge électrique Sun Country Highway de 100 ampères (240 V). Sackville se joint à un réseau grandissant de bornes de recharge électrique à l’échelle du Canada et du monde entier, facilitant ainsi les déplacements des propriétaires d’un véhicule électrique. La borne de recharge électrique de 100 ampères de niveau 2 figure parmi les bornes à recharge les plus rapides sur le marché actuel. EOS a bénéficié de financement par l’entremise du Green Investment Fund (fonds d’investissement écologique) de l’association étudiante de l’Université Mount Allison pour la borne de recharge. Le fonds sert à appuyer les projets locaux qui réduisent les émissions de carbone. Selon Énergie NB, quand une conductrice ou un conducteur du Nouveau Brunswick passe à un véhicule électrique, la réduction des émissions peut s’élever jusqu’à 84 %. C’est avec plaisir qu’EOS s’associe avec la Ville de Sackville, laquelle a contribué financièrement au projet. Par ailleurs, la Ville assurera l’entretien de la borne de recharge électrique ainsi que le coût de recharge des véhicules. Pour obtenir plus de renseignements au sujet de la borne de recharge électrique, voir notre rapport fina ( http://eosecoenergy.com/en/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/2015-FINAL-REPORT-EV-charger.pdf )l (en anglais seulement).

Read about our Climate Change Adaptation Activities in 2014-2015

It was a busy year for climate change adaptation in Tantramar. Read our project report ( http://eosecoenergy.com/en/projects/climate-change-adaptation/climate-change-adaptation-tantramar-20142015/ ) to find out more about the workshops and events we held during 2014-15. You'll also find a guide to organizing Climate Change Week in your community. We hope Climate Change Week will spread beyond Tantramar. The project was funded by the New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund.

Adaptation au changement climatique 2014-2015

Le projet a pour but de faciliter, d’encourager et d’appuyer les méthodes régionales liées à l’atténuation, à la planification et à l’adaptation en matière de changement climatique par l’entremise de l’éducation, de l’engagement et de la collaboration entre les spécialistes locaux, le gouvernement et les résidents de la région. On y a réussi en continuant les conversations régionales, en incitant les administrations municipales à traiter du changement climatique, en offrant des présentations d’éducation publique, et en convainquant les résidents et résidentes de la région d’appliquer des méthodes réalistes et tangibles. Le projet consistait à coordonner le Tantramar Climate Change Adaptation Collaborative (TCCAC); à organiser le troisième atelier annuel de la TCCAC ainsi que des séances supplémentaires d’éducation et d’engagement publics; et à inciter les municipalités à prendre des mesures contre le changement climatique par l’entremise du programme des Partenaires dans la protection du climat.

Les résultats ont compris une collaboration et des connaissances améliorées sur la façon de mieux planifier les mesures pour composer avec le changement climatique, notamment la préparation aux inondations, ainsi que des solutions et des plans pour lutter contre le changement climatique, y compris la réduction d’émissions et l’économie d’énergie. Ce projet a été financé par le Fonds en fiducie pour l’environnement du Nouveau-Brunswick. Voir le rapport final ici ( http://eosecoenergy.com/fr/projets/changement-climatique/des-methodes-de-collaboration-en-matiere-dadaptation-au-changement-climatique-tantramar-n-b-20142015/ ).

It's EOS Membership Renewal Time!

It's the time of year to renew your membership with EOS. It's also a great opportunity to join EOS if you haven't before. EOS is working toward energy sustainability in the Tantramar region as well as helping local communities adapt to climate change. We have an exciting year planned and there is a lot of interest in renewable energy in Tantramar! It's a great time to support EOS! See our membership page ( http://eosecoenergy.com/en/about/membership/ ) for more information and a membership form.


Ceux et celles qui s’intéressent à notre vision sont invités à faire une demande d’adhésion. Si vous voulez vous adhérer à EOS, veuillez visiter notre site web ( http://eosecoenergy.com/fr/organisme/adhesion/ ).

Web Version



EOS Eco-Energy | PO Box 6001, Sackville, NB  E4L 1G6  ~ (506) 536-4487 ~ eos at nb.aibn.com ~  www.eosecoenergy.com
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