[sust-mar] No country on Earth is taking the 2 degree climate target seriously

Christopher Majka c.majka at ns.sympatico.ca
Tue Oct 4 23:30:05 EDT 2016

Dear friends,

This is such a fine article that I’m taking the liberty of circulating a link:

	No country on Earth is taking the 2 degree climate target seriously
	http://www.vox.com/2016/10/4/13118594/2-degrees-no-more-fossil-fuels <http://www.vox.com/2016/10/4/13118594/2-degrees-no-more-fossil-fuels>

This piece by David Roberts is simply superb, required reading by everyone concerned with climate change – and more importantly by everyone who has not thought seriously about it. The political culture of every nation in the developed world is in complete denial with respect to what needs to be done to avoid rendering our planet uninhabitable. With unambiguous science and a handful of graphs, Roberts illustrates the cognitive dissonance that characterizes current global politics on climate change.

If you would like to dig deeper, the report (by Oil Change International) that the article is based on is:

	The Sky's Limit: Why the Paris Climate Goals Require a managed decline of fossil fuel production
	http://priceofoil.org/content/uploads/2016/09/OCI_the_skys_limit_2016_FINAL_2.pdf <http://priceofoil.org/content/uploads/2016/09/OCI_the_skys_limit_2016_FINAL_2.pdf>

If you read only one article today, let this be it – and then encourage your friends to do the same.



Christopher Majka
Democracy: Vox Populi
https://www.facebook.com/democracyvoxpopuli <https://www.facebook.com/democracyvoxpopuli>
Email: <c.majka at ns.sympatico.ca <mailto:c.majka at ns.sympatico.ca>> – Tel: (902) 425-3725 
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein

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