[sust-mar] Waking up to the climate crisis

Peter Blanchard p2 at planetfriendly.net
Sun Nov 3 16:36:35 EST 2019

*Waking up to the climate crisis*

It's finally happening, the world is waking up to the climate crisis. Oil
companies are in court for lying
truth is coming out about climate breakdown <https://350.org/science/>, and
millions are standing up for truth and action. All this is thanks to you —
everyday people who care about our future  — and are doing everything we
can. It is only with our eyes wide open, that we have the opportunity to
rebuild our world.

*In the news:*

   - For decades, the oil and gas industry has “deliberately misled about
   climate change”. It's crucial to expose the fossil fuel industry's
   disinformation tactics so the public doesn't fall prey to the next
effort: The
    | Los Angeles Times
    | EcoWatch
    | How the fossil fuel industry deliberately misled Americans about
   climate change
   - A scary year for climate change
   - Here's what 2030 could look like
   we win the war on climate change (World Economic Forum)
   - Climate news and updates: The Guardian
   <https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-change> | Grist.org
   <https://grist.org/climate-energy/> | CBC
   <https://www.cbc.ca/news/topic/Tag/Climate%20change> | World Economic
   Forum <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/archive/climate-change> | National
   <https://www.nationalobserver.com/search?keywords=climate+change> | NPR
   <https://www.npr.org/tags/125938077/climate-change> | Climate Action
   Network Groups <https://climateactionnetwork.ca/meet-our-members/>

*What you can do:*

   - Support groups & organizations working for climate action: Climate
   Action Network Canada <https://climateactionnetwork.ca/meet-our-members/>
    | GoodWork <https://www.goodwork.ca/act#groups>. Join two or three that
   seem most important to you. Without you and me, they are nothing — our
   participation is crucial.
   - Live as sustainably as you can. Reduce your consumption, fly less or
   not at all, switch to renewables. It might sound difficult, but it will
   lead to a happier, healthier life. Top Ten Things You Can Do About
   Climate Change <https://www.goodwork.ca/act#now>
   - Participate in nonviolent strikes and protests. It is perhaps the most
   visible part of the movement — an important way to let the public,
   governments and business hear our voice. Strikes continue every Friday in
   thousands of locations around the world. The next Global Strike is planned
   for Friday November 29. Learn more, join a strike or start your own:
   https://Fridaysforfuture.ca <https://fridaysforfuture.ca/> |
   https://GoodWork.ca/Strike <https://goodwork.ca/Strike>

*Do meaningful work: *

   - Work for climate action: www.GoodWork.ca/Climate
   - Work for a greener world: www.GoodWork.ca/Now
   - Volunteer & board positions: www.GoodWork.ca/Volunteer

*Because,* without a stable climate and a healthy ecosystem, there is no
economy, no future.

*GoodWork Green & Environmental Jobs*
www.GoodWork.ca <https://www.goodwork.ca/>

Questions, comments, suggestions? talktous at goodwork.ca
Subscribe: www.GoodWork.ca/subscribe <https://goodwork.ca/subscribe>
#ClimateEmergency #EcologicalEmergency #ClimateStrike #Fridaysforfuture
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction

*People and Planet, Box 21006, RPO Ottawa South, Ottawa ON K1S 5N1*
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