[sust-mar] 15 upcoming events: Women Mobilizing for Climate Justice & Peace Nov. 21, No New Fighter Jets this week, Prison Abolition, BDS, TPNW & much more!

Tamara Lorincz tlorincz at dal.ca
Sat Nov 20 15:35:58 EST 2021

Hello Sust-Mar!

Please find below a list of 15 upcoming events, petitions to sign and links to excellent webinars that you might have missed. 

Please feel free to share widely.

In solidarity for peace, earth and justice, Tamara

REPORT BACK FROM COP 26: Women Mobilizing for Climate Justice, Gender Equality and Feminist Peace Sunday, November 21
10-12 AM PST (Vancouver) / 1-3 PM ET (New York) / 7-9 PM CET (Berlin) Organized by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom with CODEPINK Moderated by Bianca Mugyenyi, Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
Speakers: Ida Arneson (Sweden), Roslyn Cook (WILPF UK), Tamara Lorincz (WILPF Canada), Michelle Benzing (WILPF Germany), Nancy Mancias (CODEPINK), Jodie Evans (CODEPINK) and Alexis Canari (WILPF Germany/Peru).
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OTBPpdL5Tf2srMPm6zU_cw
As COP26 has drawn to a close in Glasgow, many promises have been made, from commitments to end deforestation to pledges of achieving "net zero" emissions by 2050. But what do these promises really mean? Will they be enough to mitigate the devastating effects of the ecological crisis? And how have feminist, anti-militarist perspectives featured in this year's much anticipated COP? Speakers who attended the climate summit in Scotland from WILPF Sections as well as from CODEPINK will assess outcomes of COP in a public webinar on Sunday, 21 November. Join the conversation online and learn from women activists about the steps that are required for building a world based on climate justice, gender equality and feminist peace. See more: https://www.facebook.com/wilpfvancouver 

Monday, November 22-Friday, November 26
Outside of your MP's office
Find an event closest to you: https://nofighterjets.ca/weekofaction/
Join us for our third action against fighter jets: a Canada-wide week of peace advocacy. With nearly 50 actions completed we want to show our newly elected and re-elected Members of Parliament that we want them to scrap the procurement deal of 88 fighter jets with an initial price tag of 19 billion dollars and a lifecycle cost of around 77 billion.  We want investments in the care economy such as education, healthcare, Indigenous well-being like ending boil water advisories on reserves and other services and money to kickstart the green transition and COVID-19 recovery. Join us and stand outside your Member of Parliament's office with a sign "No New Fighter Jets", deliver a letter (we will provide the text) and take a photo to share on social media.
Plan your rally between Monday, November 22 to Friday, November 26. Please use the registration form below to register your rally for "No New Fighter Jets" (indicating the name of MP, address of your rally, city, time and your email address): http://www.forms.gle/8fPJBps4aRChdRwv7
Or, email us at mailto:nofighterjets at gmail.com with your name, the name of your MP, address of your rally, city, time and your email address so we can connect you with other peace advocates who are interested!

12:00 pm  - 1:30 pm Pacific time (15:00 ET) Organized by Moms Stop the Harm
Registration:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0od-2gqTkpGtdEtssEvtTHH1rmPHuV06-O
Please join Moms Stop the Harm as we host a webinar with guest speaker, Jeremy Kalicum, an addictions researcher and former drug checker with the B.C. Centre on Substance Use. Jeremy leads the Drug Users Liberation Front of BC (DULF). DULF is an organization which works to ensure a future in which a safe supply of currently illicit and dangerous substances are made available to people who need them. DULF formed in response to the record high rates of overdose deaths due to a poisoned drug supply. DULF partners with advocacy groups such as Vancouver Network of Drug Users (VANDU), Pivot Legal Society, Moms Stop the Harm (MSTH), and others. Jeremy will provide an overview of DULF, a peer led model of support, often referred to as compassion clubs or co-ops, that would help get a safe supply of drugs to individuals at high risk of overdose. "The "safe supply" movement seeks to counter this deadly progression by ensuring the integrity of the dosages that users have been conditioned to crave while providing care that keeps them alive and could wean them off drugs. "It's not who we are to stand passively by," says Kalicum. "We're gonna do something, and we're willing to take on personal risks to do that. But we can look at ourselves in the mirror and know that we're doing what's right." (Time Magazine, Paul Moakley). The BC Centre on Substance use recommended that the Compassion Club model of support be implemented in 2019 and many advocates including MSTH are now pushing for this life saving model of support as one strong pathway to stop the deaths.

Date: November 23, 2021
Time: 2:00 pm-3:30 pm EST
Location: Online
Presented by the Centre for International Policy Studies
Panelists: Laura Huber, Kathleen Jennings, Elin Miller, and Christoph Zürcher A panel discussion on findings and implications from the first systematic review of instrumentalist claims of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.
Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/discussing-the-women-peace-and-security-agenda-tickets-204023448627 

WEBINAR: WOMEN OF COURAGE: A CONVERSATION WITH DR. MARY-WYNNE ASHFORD Will be held by Zoom on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 from 4 - 5:30pm CET
Meeting ID: 832 1110 7407 . Passcode: 128211 Please check your local time here https://savvytime.com/converter/cet-to-wat-pdt-edt/oct-31-2021/7pm
For the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women In recognition of this important date, two Canadian Clubs CFUW North Vancouver and CFUW Abbotsford invite: Graduate Women International (GWI) members from around the world to participate in the 2nd webinar in a "Peer-to-Peer Conversations" series bringing together members worldwide in conversations on issues important to our time. This webinar provides a great opportunity to participate in an informative and inspirational peer-to-peer conversation with Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, MD, PhD (bio below).  The conversation titled:
While the world has been distracted by the noise of all those resistant to change, change has been happening anyway. Watch this inspiring video clip from Dr. Ashford. https://vimeo.com/642631941 Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, MD, PhD. is a retired Family Doctor with a specialty in Palliative Care. She taught full time at the University of Victoria for five years. She is a Past Co-President of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), and Past President of Physicians for Global Survival (Canada). She has been an international speaker and writer on the health consequences of nuclear war since 1985. Dr. Ashford brings insights from two perspectives on peace and disarmament - that of women, and that of physicians. She was active in the YWCA in Canada, and in the World YWCA (Y). She was a delegate for the Y to the End of the Decade for Women Conference in Nairobi, Kenya in 1985. She is an Honorary Board Member of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace.
She has done many international speaking tours, including three months in France in 1988 and book tours in Japan and South Korea. As Co-President of IPPNW for four years, she led two medical delegations to North Korea in 1999 and 2000.  She is currently a Board Member of IPPNW Canada. Her award-winning book, "Enough Blood Shed: 101 Solutions to Violence, Terror, and War", has been translated into Japanese and Korean. She has received many awards, including the Queen's Medal on two occasions, and the YWCA Women of Distinction Award. She is an Honorary Citizen of the City of Victoria, Canada. She received the Medal of Excellence from the Doctors of BC in 2019, and the Canadians for a Nuclear Weapons Convention Distinguished Achievement Award in 2019. Education: MD University of Calgary 1981; PhD Simon Fraser University 1996.She is currently teaching a free online zoom course about reforming the United Nations to make it effective to address the existential crises of climate chaos, pandemic, and nuclear war. The course is based on the book "Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century" by Lopez-Claros, Dahl and Groff. She is a widow and has ten grandchildren. 

Topic: Intersectional Feminist: Building Radical Futures Webinar Series 1 Register in advance for this webinar:

ZOOM PANEL "Let's lift as we climb: The Waters are rising"
Saturday, November 27 at 1-3pm ET
Part of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace AGM Confirmed speakers include:
Dorene Bernard a Mi'kmaq Grassroots Grandmother, Water Protector, Water Walker, and Survivor of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School.
Kasha Slavner, a GenZ filmmaker, featuring her new trailer for her upcoming documentary looking at the intersection of peace and climate titled "1.5 Degrees of Peace" and she will discuss her trip to Glasgow for COP 26.
Bianca Mugyenyi, director of the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (CFPI) and she will discuss Canadian foreign policy and the #NoNewFighterJets campaign.
Tamara Lorincz a former VOW Board Member currently doing her PhD in Global Governance at the Balsillie School for International Affairs and will report back on COP 26.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsdOGgqj0pGNUi-SvSN9d00iirUT1-RYwJ
More info: https://vowpeace.org/ 

WEBINAR: ORGANIZING WITHIN, AGAINST, AND BEYOND THE STATE: MARTIN SOSTRE AND THE STRUGGLE FOR PRISON ABOLITION Monday, November 29, 2021 from 2:00PM - 3:30PM Historian and organizer Garrett Felber, Visiting Faculty Fellow at Yale University, will discuss abolitionist lessons from his biography-in-progress of Black Puerto Rican anarchist and former U.S. political prisoner Martin Sostre. First as a politicized prisoner and jailhouse lawyer, and later as a political prisoner who was framed during the 1967 Buffalo rebellion while running a radical bookstore, Sostre embodied the dialectical transformations between self and society which led him to lead a life of "continuous struggle." Sostre creatively adapted law, solitary confinement, surveillance, and organized abandonment to disrupt state violence and create life-affirming communities. His ideas and deeds formed architectures of resistance within the scaffolding of an oppressive state that provide a variety of illustrations for movements organizing within, against, and beyond it today.
Garrett Felber, Yale University
Brett Story, Ryerson University
Max Mishler, University of Toronto
Khaleel Grant, PhD Student, University of Toronto
Register: https://munkschool-utoronto-ca.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SDt0dgysReWnKfc6XkfVIg 

Start: Tuesday, November 30, 2021 . 8:00 PM . Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00)
15 years ago, CUPE Ontario adopted a landmark resolution to endorse the "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions" movement (BDS), which puts pressure on Israel to respect the human rights of Palestinians. Since then, labour union organizations representing at least 1.5 million workers in Canada have adopted similar motions. Why has the labour movement been such a strong supporter of BDS, and what is the current state of the movement?
CJPME is doing a webinar, "BDS and the Labour Movement," to explore how the labour movement in Canada has fought for Palestinian rights. We will discuss some of the successes and challenges in getting labour unions on board with BDS, and provide practical advice for how to respond to critiques. We'll leave plenty of time at the end for any specific questions audience members may have.
More info and register here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/webinar-bds-and-the-labour-movement-in-canada-le-mouvement-syndical-et-bds 

WEBINAR: "The Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons: How it was Achieved and Why it Matters"
Amb. Alexander Kmentt
Wed, December 1, 2021
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM EST
For registration:  https://bit.ly/3DlN13i Hosted by the University of Ottawa Alexander Kmentt is the Director of the Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Department of the Austrian Foreign Ministry. The present book is the result of a sabbatical from the Austrian Foreign Ministry and Senior Research Fellowship at King's College London in 2019-20 In his diplomatic career, Ambassador Alexander Kmentt has worked extensively on disarmament and non-proliferation issues, including as Deputy Permanent Representative of Austria to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva and as Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary in the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organisation and from 2011-16 as Director of the Department for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation at the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs; a position which he resumed in 2021. From 2016-19, Kmentt served as Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the Political and Security Committee of the EU.

Date: December 9, 2021
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Location: Online
Presented by the Centre for International Policy Studies
Panelists: Genevieve LeBaron, Elisabeth Prügl, Shirin Rai, Katherine Scott
Chair: Jacqueline Best
The Covid-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on aspects of the economy that feminist political economists have been pointing to for decades: the importance of caring labour, the segmented nature of the labour market, and the ways that class, gender, race and ethnicity intersect to shape political economic life chances, to name just a few. What can feminist political economy bring to our understanding of the global economy today? Will this new visibility of many of the key insights of feminist scholarship translate into policy changes? Or will the legacy of the pandemic be an intensification of these dynamics of inequality?
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/why-we-need-feminist-political-economy-now-more-than-ever-tickets-213645468347 

WEBINAR: Give War a Chance: Are Peace-Building and Stabilization a Bust after Afghanistan?
December 1st, 7:30 PM ET
Speaker: Dr. Alistair Edgar
Hosted by the Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies Even before the Taliban's rapid return to power in Afghanistan, most western governments-including Canada-appeared to have abandoned their willingness to engage in peacekeeping, peace-building and/or 'stabilization' interventions that involved placing western 'boots on the ground' in support of populations who were facing large scale threats of violence. This presentation will consider why that dis-engagement has taken place, and what it means for Canada and especially the Canadian Forces.
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/6416320836485/WN_qCRwbnzkRb6oz4rb_jzguQ 

The InterReligious Task Force on Central America and Cleveland Nonviolence Network Join us for our Annual State of Nonviolence Event Thursday December 2, 2021 at 7 PM Via Zoom Featuring Andrew J. Bacevich, Ph.D. as Keynote! Professor Bacevich discusses how Afghanistan war demonstrates inefficacy of the use of military force to solve international conflicts. Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cleveland-nonviolence-network-sixth-annual-state-of-nonviolence-tickets-201294175297?fbclid=IwAR3PF2JGeBzK7LeblUGYca_rkAtyqdGFQ3eavLgiYGoAsrR0HBPE2pnLDok 

Danny Sjursen: Beyond Afghanistan: Patriotic Dissent Against U.S. Militarism
Start: Sunday, December 05, 2021 . 11:00 AM . Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada) (GMT-05:00) Maj. Sjursen will begin with the current hot topic, to an extent, of the relatively recent Afghanistan withdrawal and the failure of the war effort there. He will explain the scope and scale of ongoing U.S. military operations - a new "American Way of War" waged in the shadows as a nearly invisible campaign of abstraction. It pivots towards an acknowledgment that war is now waged for profit, profiting a select few-now loaded with blood money; blood, however, that's on all of our hands.
. Maj. Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer, the director of the Eisenhower Media Network (EMN), a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy (CIP), contributing editor at Antiwar.com, and co-hosts the podcast "Fortress on a Hill." His work has appeared in the NY Times, LA Times, The Nation, The Hill, Salon, The American Conservative, and Mother Jones, among other publications. He served combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and taught history at West Point. He is the author of three books, Ghostriders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge, Patriotic Dissent: America in the Age of Endless War, and most recently A True History of the United States. Follow him on Twitter @SkepticalVet. Music by David Rovics
Register: https://actionnetwork.org/events/danny-sjursen-beyond-afghanistan-patriotic-dissent-against-us-militarism 

WEBINAR: John Boyko on Canada and the Vietnam War Jan 12, 2022 07:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) Hosted by the Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1816372118408/WN_yCM_K2KXQ-WwMS2HXR6LEQ 

Green MP Mike Morrice is sponsoring this parliamentary petition to fast track the Canada Disability Benefit, which would 'act like a UBI for Canadians with disabilities'. Sign it here: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3656 

Petition Against the U.S. War on Cuba. The parliamentary petition (e-3640) against the U.S. War on and Economic Blockade of Cuba is now open for signatures. It calls on the Government of Canada to take specific steps in opposing U.S. attacks on the heroic island nation. It also calls on the Government of Canada to ensure that Ottawa's policy and relations with Cuba do not mirror or follow Washington's diktat. The petition initiated by the Canadian Network On Cuba is sponsored by Niki Ashton, member of Canada's parliament for the federal constituency of Churchill-Keewatinook Aski in the province of Manitoba.To sign the petition, go to: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Sign/e-3640 

Tell the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) to stop funding the climate crisis A major new study has revealed that the Canadian Pension Plan's (CPP) massive fossil fuel investments - Enbridge, Trans Canada, Gazprom - will contribute to a world that is 2 degrees warmer setting off climate chaos. At 2 degrees warmer, almost half of the world's population will suffer extreme heat waves and hundreds of millions of people will have insufficient water supplies. There is no other way to avoid a climate crisis death toll than to leave huge amounts of fossil fuels in the ground. Canadians' retirement savings need to fund a renewable path, not destroy our climate future. It's our money so we need to have a say.  Sign here: 

Important webinar by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute "Beyond Sinophobia & Anti-Asian Racism in Canada-China Relations" featuring Senator Yuen Pau Woo, Dr Xiaobei Chen & Dr Timothy Stanley.  Presented by Canada-China Focus in partnership with the Chinese Canadian Historical Society of British Columbia. https://www.facebook.com/canadapolicy/videos/436806254770771 

Important webinar by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute "Anti-Blackness in Canadian foreign-policy. What is the Haiti Core Group? FEATURING: Jemima Pierre (Black Alliance for Peace, UCLA) Jean Saint-Vil (Solidarity Quebec Haiti), El Jones (Mount Saint Vincent University)

Excellent international panel "No New Nuclear Arms Race" conference organized by Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) UK  with Dr. Paul Rogers, retired Col. Ann Wright, author and activist Vijay Prashad. You can watch the speeches and see a great list of resources here: https://cnduk.org/about/cnd-conference/cnd-conference-2021/ 

Note: Nov. 25 starts the 16 Days Campaign: https://16dayscampaign.org/  2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the Global 16 Days Campaign from Nov. 25 to Dec. 10 (International Human Rights Day). Inspired by the original vision and history of the Campaign, which focused on raising awareness about violence against women (VAW), and considering the continuing impunity for femicide, this year the Campaign will focus on the issue of "femicide or the gender-related killing of women."

In solidarity with the Wet'suwet'en peoples protecting their land and water from the gas pipeline!
Tamara Lorincz

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