Patricia Joyce patricia at caea.com
Tue Mar 5 09:32:08 EST 2002

~~~~~~~~~~ e-drive ~~~~~~~~~~

For those of you who missed or were unable to attend my standard
American dialect seminar, I will be running it again on Monday, March 11

@ 7-10 pm at the ACTRA office and again on Monday, March 18 @ 2pm
(Location to be determined)

If you want to know a little more about it check out the Calgary Herald
this weekend. Bob Blakey attended the class and will do a feature on it
(I believe this Sunday).

Here again is the pertinent info:

** Don't let your "Canadian" sound limit
your chances at your next audition!**

American film and TV productions are finally returning and American
producers and directors hear our  Canadian dialect more acutely than we

It IS an issue for many of them.   For a minor investment of money and time
you can learn learn the differences between Canadian and   American and shed
that "telltale" Canadian sound at auditions.

A graduate of the University of Alberta's BFA Acting program, award
winning actor David LeReaney has   acted, directed and taught for over
20 years. He has taught dialects for Company of Rogues acting studio,
Mount Royal College, the University of Calgary and the University of
Lethbridge. He has coached dialects for   Alberta Theatre Projects, and
was dialect coach for Disney's HONEY, I SHRUNK THE KIDS, PAPA'S  ANGELS,

JOHNSON COUNTY WAR and  Nickelodeon's CAITLIN'S WAY (coaching "American"

3 hour seminar includes:  Brief lecture on "the sound of Americanese"
Comprehensive notes and word list
Accompanying audio cassette-tape
Work session with TV and film scripts

Date:  March 11
Time: 7:00pm  - 10:00pm
260 1414  8 St. SW

ALSO:  March 18
Time: 2:00 - 5:00 pm
Location: Epcor Center for the Performing Arts

Fee: $ 50 + $3.50 GST
Call David LeReaney - (403) 289-0413
or E-mail at: dlerigny at cadvision.com

>From a recent participant:
"I jist wanted ta let ya know how much I enjoyed las' night's
seminar!! It's always a good day when you learn something new and I
certainly did last night, thank you!  It was very helpful to
have guidance and validation, since I've been voicing projects
for 'merican clients for a number of years and have constantly
worried abaht(!) sounding unrecognizable to them!

Thanks also, for being affordable and providing quality home-
practice items.  I'm looking forward to Bob Blakey's column
this weekend, I'm sure it will offer you many cudos."

"LeReaney is hihgly respected for his dialect coaching work, and most
Calgary actors have learned the benefits of studying the differences
between Canadian and American speech patterns"

- Bob Blakey, The Calgary

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