[CANUFNET] mycorrhizae

Mike Prueter mprueter at telus.net
Tue Jun 5 19:11:06 EDT 2007

Hello Shelley,  I have worked with mycorrhizae at the PRT - Pelton Nursery, 
where clients were asking that the mycorrhizae was introduced into the media of 
the containerized seedlings in Maple Ridge, B.C. My contact was Dr. Mike 
Ammoranthus in Oregon.  I trust that he will be able to answer your questions 
as he has done studies with mycorrhizae throughout the US.

Mike Prueter, RPF

Quoting SVescio at thunderbay.ca:

> Hi,
> I forgot to add a second question to my first note.   Does anyone have 
> experience with incorporating commercially available mycorrhizae into 
> planting holes?  If so, have you seen increased success because of it? 
> What product have you purchased? 
> Thanks,
> Shelley 
> Shelley Vescio 
> City Forester
> City of Thunder Bay Parks Division
> Victoriaville Civic Centre
> 111 Syndicate Avenue South
> Thunder Bay, Ontario
> P7E 6S4
> phone (807) 625-2473
> fax (807) 625-3258
> -----------------------------------------
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