[CANUFNET] Memorial trees and plaques

Ethier Elaine elaine.ethier at umontreal.ca
Mon Aug 22 11:06:12 EDT 2016

Doner's benches can receive one or several names depending on the type of recognition and stewardship program. Here is the site of the  public bench at Reford Gardens/ Jardins Metis in Gaspesie, Quebec.

This image shows an engraved board with the name a one of the founding families of the 19th era. Benches next to new plantations can be an extra option with engraving names on the benches. Not as costly as making a footing and plaque.


Tree sculptures are another very interesting option.

There is also a commemorative tree planting and more.

Elaine Ethier
Plani Gester
Aménagement, foresterie urbaine

Le 22 août 2016 à 10:13, Brian Geerts <GeertsB at cambridge.ca<mailto:GeertsB at cambridge.ca>> a écrit :

Here in Cambridge we have a memorial/dedication tree program.  We do many dedication trees with plaques; a few people elect to have a tree without a plaque.  I’ve attached a sample 8”x10” brass plaque that we mount in concrete flush with the ground near the base of the tree.  A 50mm cal tree and a plaque is $797.  We allow them in parks, cemeteries, and along trails, at locations agreed between staff and the family.  We also have a dedication bench program that is popular; a bench with a small plaque is $1718.


Brian Geerts
Manager of Forestry and Horticulture
City of Cambridge
Dickson Centre
30 Parkhill Road W. ON N1R 5W8

geertsb at cambridge.ca<mailto:geertsb at cambridge.ca>

Tel:519.740.4681 x4558
Fax: 519.624.6975

From: CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Ian Wilson
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 4:45 PM
To: 'canufnet at list.web.net<mailto:canufnet at list.web.net>'
Subject: [CANUFNET] Memorial trees and plaques

I’m interested in hearing from others who have a memorial/donated tree program with plaques.

In Kelowna, we allow citizens to donate trees for planting in parks, but we don’t allow them to have a plaque except at the Cemetery.  There’s a few reasons for this, such as maintenance concerns and vandalism. We had a bad experience 15 years ago where some trees with plaques seemed to be a magnet for vandalism, so we stopped offering this.

Do you have a tree donation program?  Do you allow plaques next to donated trees? How much to do charge?


Ian Wilson
Park Services Manager | City of Kelowna
250-469-8842 | iwilson at kelowna.ca<mailto:iwilson at kelowna.ca>
Connect with the City kelowna.ca/connect<http://www.kelowna.ca/CM/Page3535.aspx>

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