[CANUFNET] request for information about tree-related 311 calls

Giroux, Paul pgiroux at citywindsor.ca
Tue Nov 8 11:39:40 EST 2016

Hello Professor Duinker and Ms. Secen,

Please see the attached document regarding some of the City of Windsor's Frequently Asked Questions related to Urban Forestry, that our 311 Operators receive on a regular basis. There may be some information in there, that you find useful for your response protocol and or educational material.

I look forward to seeing your final product in December when it becomes available.

Thank you

Paul Giroux, RPF
City Forester/Manager of Forestry and Natural Areas
Parks Department
2450 McDougall Street, Windsor, ON  N8X 3N6
Office: 519.253.2300. ext. 2760.
Email: pgiroux at citywindsor.ca

From: CANUFNET [mailto:canufnet-bounces at list.web.net] On Behalf Of Peter Duinker
Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 2:48 PM
To: canufnet at list.web.net
Cc: Natalie Secen
Subject: [CANUFNET] request for information about tree-related 311 calls

Greetings Fellow Urban-Forest Enthusiasts:

My graduate student Natalie Secen is undertaking a project to analyze the tree-related 311 calls in Halifax from April through September 2016.  We are trying to assist the municipality in developing a more effective and efficient response protocol, and recommend some public-education materials so that callers may become better informed before making their calls.

We have a request to Canadian-municipality urban forestry people - do you have a response protocol for tree-related 311 calls that you could/would share with us?  Natalie's report to HRM will be a public document, so we could share that in December when it's revised and submitted.  You can reach Natalie as follows:

nsecen at dal.ca<mailto:nsecen at dal.ca>

We offer our most sincere gratitude in advance for any help you can give us.

Best wishes, Peter Duinker (peter.duinker at dal.ca<mailto:peter.duinker at dal.ca>), Professor, Dalhousie University

Peter N. Duinker, PhD, P.Ag.
School for Resource and Environmental Studies
Faculty of Management
Dalhousie University
6100 University Ave.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3H 4R2
Phone: 902-494-7100
Cell: 902-229-5141
Fax: 902-494-3728
Email: peter.duinker at dal.ca<mailto:peter.duinker at dal.ca>

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