[homeles_ot-l] Fwd: 3 imperatives on why we must act - 25 in 5 Weekly eBulletin - November 11th

Terrie mocharebyl at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 21:42:47 EST 2008

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From: 25 in 5 Network for Poverty Reduction <
25_in_5_Network_for_Poverty_Redu at mail.vresp.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 4:23 PM
Subject: 3 imperatives on why we must act - 25 in 5 Weekly eBulletin -
November 11th
To: mocharebyl at gmail.com

 *Countdown to a Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS)
**3 weeks until the December deadline, 3 imperatives on why we must act*

   1. Quote of the week: everyone has a role to play, but government must
   lead on poverty reduction, says Niagara Bishop <#11d8d7077718ad9a_quote>
   2. Why we must act now: the social, political and economic imperatives
   for poverty reduction
   3. 3 ways to make a difference between now and the December

*Quote of the week*

"As a church, we bear daily witness to all those who suffer due to
poverty.   In the short term, we realize that charity and compassion are
essential when people are suffering and we will continue to respond to the
needs of our neighbours.  However, only government can accomplish the
structural change to law, programs and policies that are essential for a
successful poverty reduction strategy.  Only government can re-allocate the
resources of society more equitably through its regulatory and taxing powers
and increase its funding of social programs."

Who said it?  Bishop Michael Bird of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara
appealing to Minister Matthews to support the 25 in 5 Declaration.

See related press
Bishop Bird's letter<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?CommunitySocialPlann/2f4a9c8239/eb46af6dad/1b599b60ed>

Three imperatives on why we must act on poverty reduction: social,
political, economic

 One: A Social Imperative - Chronic Poverty is Corrosive to an Inclusive

Ontario remains the child poverty centre of Canada with nearly 43% of all
poor children in the country. Nearly 1,300,000 residents of Ontario continue
to live in poverty.

More than 41% of Ontario children in poverty have one parent working
full-year, full-time.

Living in poverty is becoming increasingly racialized in the GTA and other
urban centres across Ontario.

The growing income gap is leading to neighbourhood concentrations of
privilege and disadvantage in cities such as Toronto.

Related Links

   - Good Jobs Coalition<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?CommunitySocialPlann/2f4a9c8239/eb46af6dad/13d6066b59>holding
Summit on November 22
   - The Colour of Poverty
   - United Way of Toronto's "Losing Ground" report
   - The Centre for Community and urban Studies Three Cities Within

 Two:  A Political Imperative - Governments Across North America Recognize
the Urgency of Poverty Reduction

The majority of Ontarians would be proud if their Premier took leadership to
reduce the number of poor people in Ontario and the majority want Canada to
distinguish itself as a nation by becoming a leader in poverty reduction. [CCPA
Waiting For Leadership On Poverty

Provincial poverty reduction strategies are being pursued in Quebec,
Newfoundland & Labrador, and Ontario, and are being explored in Nova Scotia
and New Brunswick.

15 American states have adopted broad anti-poverty initiatives, including
Connecticut and Minnesota, which have set specific poverty reduction

President-elect Obama has committed his administration to the "Half-in-Ten"
goal for the US, taking the lead in North America on a national poverty
reduction agenda.

In Canada, four of the five federal parties had strong commitments to
poverty reduction in the recent election.

Related Links

   - U.S.: Half in Ten: From Poverty to
    - Official sites for Poverty Reduction Strategies in
   Nova Scotia<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?CommunitySocialPlann/2f4a9c8239/eb46af6dad/0bbe730639>and

 Three: An Economic Imperative - Poverty Reduction is smart economics and
fiscally responsible, especially in hard times

Strengthening the incomes of vulnerable families and adults and investing in
infrastructure such as affordable housing and early learning and child care
will reduce poverty, and stimulate demand in local economies across Ontario.

Reducing poverty Contributes to the Economic Health of Ontario: "Our poverty
reduction strategy is not only the right thing to do,  it is critical for
our future economic success.  Ontario needs all of its citizens to be strong
if we want to compete in the global economy.  We cannot afford to let anyone
fall behind." --  Premier McGuinty, Letter to 25 in 5, Oct. 1, 2008.

We can pay now or we can pay later: we can invest in people now to ensure
everyone is at their best or we can look forward to increased costs in
health care, criminal justice, and social services.
Related Links

   - Ontarians waiting for leadership on poverty
   says new Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives poll
   - Public investment in affordable housing delivers powerful
   Michael Shapcott, Wellesley Institute
    - Economic crisis no excuse to abandon anti-poverty
   Opinion article by economists Arthur Donner, Mike McCracken and Armine
   Yalnizyan in Toronto Star, October 21
   - Building a healthy economy: More than just banks and
   from policy analyst Scott Wolfe, commissioned by the Wellesley Institute

December Deadline is Approaching: Make a Difference Today

"I ask that you think of the hunger that we do not see.  There are thousands
out there waiting for change; they hope that citizens like you will help to
end the suffering that takes such a heavy toll on their lives. We must move
away from the idea that people are poor because of a personal deficit, that
poverty is their own fault.  This change can take place, but we need your
 – Mike Creek, Voices from the Street, speaking to the Board of Directors of
Food Banks Canada<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?CommunitySocialPlann/2f4a9c8239/eb46af6dad/68627c4bba>

1. Sign up and Speak Up for Poverty Reduction at Pre-Budget Consultations

Finance Minister Dwight Duncan has launched a round of cross-provincial
consultations to inform the 2009 spring budget.   Dates are being scheduled
for November and December in communities across Ontario.  We need partners
to commit to sign up and speak up for poverty reduction before the Finance
Minister.  Click here to see more details and to find out how you can get

2. Talk to Your MPP About Why Poverty Reduction is What Our Economy Needs

As Ontario edges closer to the announcement of a Poverty Reduction Plan, it
is more important than ever that our provincial elected officials hear from
their constituents about widespread support for action.  Every voicemail,
phone call, letter and email counts! Learn more

3. Join the Movement for Poverty Reduction in Your Community

Anti-poverty networks in more than 20 communities will be meeting in
November and December to get ready for the next stage of the Poverty
Reduction campaign.  Now is the time to talk about our expectations of the
government's plan in December and to begin to organize our collective voice
leading up to the 2009 spring budget in Ontario. Details on the time and
location are being posted as they become available on the Poverty Watch
Ontario calendar at www.povertywatchontario.ca. Come out to the event in
your community and become part of the movement for poverty reduction in
Ontario - also check out up-to-the minute updates on each event and local
media coverage.


*Add your voice to the 25 in 5 Declaration*

 By endorsing the 25 in 5 Declaration we can send a clear message to the
Provincial Government that action on poverty reduction cannot be delayed.

Just some of the new organizations to endorse this week:

   - Women's Habitat of Etobicoke
   - FirstSteps to Freedom
   - Sudbury & Manitoulin Workforce Partnerships Board
   - Independence Centre and Network
   - Huron District Labour Council
   - Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul, Justice & Peace Office
   - Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre
   - London Region Children's Museum
   - Bay Credit Union Limited
   - The Lighthouse Community Centre
   - Kairos Toronto Centre
   - Child and Youth Network, London

 Add your voice. Visit
sign on for poverty reduction by endorsing the 25 in 5 Declaration.


*About the Countdown to a Poverty Reduction Plan eBulletins*

 The 25 in 5 Network is steered by a coalition of Ontario organizations
including Campaign 2000, the Income Security Advocacy Centre, the Social
Planning Network of Ontario the Interfaith Social Assistance Reform
Coalition, The Colour of Poverty Project, the Ontario Coalition for Social
Justice, Voices From the Street, among others.

 This is a weekly bulletin from 25 in 5 to its contact list of supporters
and interested parties across the province. The Countdown Bulletin is
intended to keep you up to date on the development of a poverty reduction
plan for Ontario and to let you know how you, your organizations and
networks can help make it happen.

 For more information visit

If you no longer wish to receive the 25 in 5 eBulletin, please reply to this
message with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line or simply click on the
following link:
25 in 5 Network for Poverty Reduction
c/o Community Social Planning Council of Toronto
2 Carlton St., Suite 1001
Toronto, ON M5B 1J3

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Terrie ( mocharebyl at gmail.com )
"If you see an injustice being committed, you aren't an observer, you are a
participant." June Callwood
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and
renders the present inaccessible.  Maya Angelou
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