[homeles_ot-l] OrgCode Training Online

Hale, Katherine Katherine.Hale at ottawa.ca
Fri Jun 5 08:49:05 EDT 2020

Canadian Colleagues,

Throughout the pandemic, like many of you, we have been evaluating our work and how we can have an impact in uncertain times. One of the things we have repeatedly been asked about (from many of you!) is to bring our core training online during this period given travel and gatherings of large groups of people are out of the question. So, we have done just that and laid out different times the training is available from July 1 to December 31, 2020. You can find all of the offerings in the attached document or on our website<https://can01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fd3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net%2Fthemes%2F586d47f778b8e25713000000%2Fattachments%2Foriginal%2F1591197625%2FOrgCode_Online_Training_and_Learning_Collaboratives_Offerings_from_July_to_December_2020_protected.pdf%3F1591197625attachments%2F5ed7bfb9f0afaf3923e265e7&data=02%7C01%7Ckatherine.hale%40ottawa.ca%7Cd9b46860b5044e01f73108d807e0c696%7Cdfcc033ddf874c6ea1b88eaa73f1b72e%7C0%7C0%7C637268010037992881&sdata=Gw32AN4x4oYGXCA51AFT84cX3APsq0FlwZzPtiklTKU%3D&reserved=0>.

What are we offering live and interactive, albeit virtually?

  *   Housing-Based Case Management
  *   Housing-Focused Shelter
  *   Impactful Outreach
  *   Reducing Harm and Promoting Wellness
  *   Prevention, Diversion and Rapid Resolution
  *   The Basics of Trauma-informed Care in Homelessness and Housing Programs
  *   The Basics of Motivational Interviewing and Assertive Engagement in Homelessness and Housing Programs

We have also designed a Canadian-specific, pre-recorded Onboarding Essentials video for new staff, volunteers and board members to understand homelessness and effective solutions.

On top of this, we have redesigned the SPDAT training (there are new VI-SPDAT tools by the way and the new SPDAT is very close to being launched) and SPDAT Train the Trainer online. Registration is limited for each of these.

While we think that will cover the needs of most organizations and communities, we are also excited to launch two online Learning Collaboratives. One is on housing-focused shelter. The other is on housing-focused street outreach. These have very limited space and are ideal for organizations that want to take a deeper and sustained dive into change with considerable coaching and data analysis.

For the core training, we have tried to make the pricing low enough to be accessible to most communities and organizations. Prices are in US dollars because that is how GoToWebinar’s payment platform works. Discounts are available for training and the collaboratives if registered before the end of June. If you or someone in your community really wants to participate in any of the core training and can’t afford it, let Tracy or I know. We can figure something out in most situations. I don’t want our fees to be a barrier to anyone accessing the training they need to be effective in this work.

If you can please make these opportunities known far and wide in your networks, it would be greatly appreciated.

Hope you are all well and will continue to be well with everything going on. Let us continue the journey of making homelessness rare; and if it does occur,  make sure it is for a short period of time and happens only once.



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