[Sust-mar] 15 Upcoming Environmental & Social Events in Halifax from April 22 to May 1
Tamara Lorincz
tlorincz at dal.ca
Fri Apr 20 01:49:45 EDT 2007
15 UPCOMING Environmental & Social EVENTS IN HALIFAX - Please circulate
widely. Happy Earth Day!
Celebrating the Earth
Monday, April 23, 2007
7:30-9:00 PM
Room 105, Weldon Law School, Dalhousie University
6061 University Avenue, Halifax
Film Screenings of An Endangered Tree Hugger and The Adventures of
Captain Carbon
& a Musical Presentation by the O Beautiful Gaia Singers
A free public event in recognition of Earth Day. An evening of film, song
and discussion of how citizens and community groups in Nova Scotia have
helped the environment. Watch free carbon neutral, youth produced films.
Come to share your stories about how you are helping the planet. Light
refreshments by Terroir Local Source Catering. Draw Prizes. Organized by the
Nova Scotia Environmental Network, the Society for Corporate Environmental
and Social Responsibility, and the Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter. For more
information, please call 454-6846.
EARTH DAY LITTER CLEANUP on April 22 at 2:30 pm the Captain Spry Centre
Clean Nova Scotia and the Spryfield Community Action Coalition will be
holding a public litter cleanup on Earth Day April 22nd to launch the 2007
Great Nova Scotia Pick-Me-Up program. The cleanup will begin at 12:30pm and
run until 2:30pm. All participants must meet in the parking lot of the Lions
Wave Pool (Captain Spry Centre) on 10 Kidston Road, just off of Herring Cove
Road (Hwy 349). You can get there by catching the #20 bus at the Mumford
Terminal, which runs every half hour on Sundays or hop on your bike for a
good ride.Tim Hortons, the sponsor of the Great Nova Scotia Pick-Me-Up will
be on site with warm drinks and free travel mugs (while supplies last).
There will also be other great prizes donated by the community and free
cleanup materials to get you going! Please dress appropriately for the
weather. Long sleeved shirts and pants are recommended as some of you may be
working in wooded areas. No sandals please! Wear sunscreen and a hat and
bring water with you (though there will be some available on site). Media
will be invited so please arrive on time so that we can capture the
community support and inspire other parts of Nova Scotia to take part in
similar activities. Clean Nova Scotia will have 20 pickup sticks on site to
lend to anyone who may be either elderly or physically unable to pick up
garbage with their hands. Non-latex gloves will be provided by HRM but we
recommend that you bring a sturdy glove such as a work or gardening glove to
protect you from any sharp objects. Children are welcome to join us but they
must be accompanied by an adult at ALL times. If you have another activity
going on for Earth Day please be sure to register your event on the
www.earthday.ca website. This will help you invite the public to your event
or just show the rest of Canada how active we are here in Nova Scotia. You
can call Kari Riddell at 420-3474 if you have any troubles registering on
the site or if you need more details on the Earth Day cleanup.
Kari Riddell
Special Events Coordinator
Clean Nova Scotia
RECYCLED FASHION SHOW on Sunday, April 22nd, 8pm at the Bus Stop Theatre on
Gottigen St.A showcase of designers and fashionistas of recycled fashion.
refreshments provided and entertainment by Feral Bliss. tickets $10/$8
students. contact info: lovefindfashions at hotmail.com
Celebrate Earth Day with the Wilderbeats at the Discovery Centre. 11:15am
and 2pm, Apr 21, or 1:30pm and 3:30pm, Apr 22; The Discovery Centre, 1593
Barrington St, 492-4422; price of show included with regular admission.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 - Ecological Footprint Founder in Halifax! Two
Mathis Wackernagel, Executive Director of Global Footprint Network
Two opportunities to hear Mathis speak:
1. Keynote at the 9th annual Resource Recovery Fund Board Nova Scotia Mobius
Environmental Awards Luncheon, awards ceremony and keynote 11:30 - 2:00 pm
Brightwood Golf and Country Club, 227 School St., Dartmouth Donations
received at the luncheon will benefit Feed Nova Scotia For more information
or to order tickets, please contact RRFB Nova Scotia at 1-877-313-RRFB
(7732) or info at rrfb.com
2. Sharing Nature's Interest : Ecological Footprints as an Indicator of
Sustainability Public Lecture Lecture begins at 7:30 pm Book signing will
follow the lecture, and books will be available for purchase Room 1020, Rowe
Management Building, 6100 University Ave., Dalhousie University, Halifax
Free, all welcome! Organized by the School for Resource and Environmental
Studies, Dalhousie University, Resource Recovery Fund Board, the Nova Scotia
Environmental Network and GPI Atlantic. For more information, please contact
Clare Levin, 489-2524, clevin at gpiatlantic.org
Sixth HSBC Bank Canada Business and the Environment Lecture "Sustainable
Innovation: A New Driver for Change" Martin Charter, Director of The Centre
for Sustainable Design University College for the Creative Arts, Surrey,
England April 26th, 7:30 PM Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building Dalhousie
Film Screening: RUDY HAASE on Monday April 30th, at 7:30 p.m.
A biography about Canadas great unknown environmentalist.
A Film by Neal Livingston, produced in Association with CBC Maritimes and
The Chester Educational Foundation.
Monday April 30th, at 7:30 p.m. Park Lane Theatre, Spring Garden Road,
Halifax, NS
Tickets at the door: waged-$9/un-waged-$7
Both the filmmaker Neal Livingston and Rudy Haase will be in attendance.
His lifes work has involved preserving wilderness in Canada, the USA, Costa
Rica, and New Zealand. In Nova Scotia Rudy Haase has been active on many
environmental issues spanning more than 4 decades, such as fighting against
the clear cutting and pesticide spraying of forests, and uranium mining.
Special Guest for the evening is Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of
Atlantic Canada Sustainability Initiative Sustainability Training May 14
-16, 2007
A grass-roots network of municipalities, businesses and NGOs is developing a
regional initiative in Atlantic Canada to better understand the challenges
and opportunities of sustainability and to move the region toward
sustainable solutions. The Atlantic Canada Sustainability Initiative is
intended to build capacity and commitment among a diverse group of Atlantic
organizations who will advance sustainable development within their own
organizations and the region as a whole using the Natural Step Framework as
a guide. The first capacity-building workshop in this year-long project will
be held May 14 -16, 2007. This workshop will provide participants with an
awareness, understanding and a common language of sustainability, and the
tools and knowledge needed to begin addressing these issues at the
organizational level, and at the regional level. If your community,
business, or organization is thinking about issues of environmental, social,
and economic sustainability and is interested in building capacity to work
towards a more sustainable future, consider becoming a partner in this
project. For more information about the Atlantic Sustainability Initiative,
or about the first workshop, please contact Clare Levin at
clevin at gpiatlantic.org or 902-489-2524.
Old furniture cluttering up the basement? Cleaning out the closet for
spring? Got some time to volunteer to help a growing community event? The
Fifth Annual Dalhousie Dump and Run - Community Garage Sale
WHEN: Sunday, April 29, 2007 from 8am to 4pm
WHERE: The Studley Gymnasium, Dalhousie Campus, University Avenue Entrance
The Dump & Run is a large one-day community garage sale held annually. All
proceeds are donated to charities and non-profit groups. Clean out your
closets for a great cause! For more info and to arrange pick ups, please
contact Halifax Dump & Run: halifaxdumpandrun at hotmail.com Visit their web
Missa Gaia: A Celebration of Mother Earth on Saturday April 28th, 8pm
The Halifax premiere of Paul Winters Missa Gaia: A Celebration of Mother
Earth will be presented on Saturday April 28th, 8pm at First Baptist (1300
Oxford Street). The concert will feature the First Baptist Senior Choir,
Paul Simons (piano), Dani Oore (sax), Jan Overduin (organ) and the Dozen
Even Jazz Ensemble, conducted by Allen Wayte. Tickets are $12, available at
the door. For more information, please call 422-5203. If any environmental
organizations are interested in having a display at the concert, please
contact Allen Wayte at 422-5203.
Interface CEO RAY ANDERSON at 7:00 pm, Wednesday, May 1 at Pier 21 Heritage
Since founding Interface Flooring in 1973, Ray Anderson has built one of the
worlds largest carpet and floor covering companies. He has embarked on a
mission to make Interface a sustainable corporation by leading a worldwide
war on waste and pioneering the processes of sustainable development. His
goal to make Interface into a Zero Footprint company by 2020 has resulted
in him being called the "Greenest Chief Executive in America." By combining
environmentalism with dedication to his company's success, Anderson has
proven that being green can also be profitable for business. He is also the
author of Mid-Course Correction, Toward a Sustainable Enterprise: the
Interface Model.
Presented by: InterfaceFLOR Commercial Canada
Public welcome, limited seating, free admission.
YWCA Fundraising Event 25th Annual Womens Recognition Event
A Celebration Of Womens Work: A Womans Place is Everywhere
Date Saturday, April 28th, 2007
Time: 6:30 cash bar/7:30 meal and event
Location: Dalhousie Student Union Building, McInnis Room
Cost: $35 waged/$30 unwaged per person or $300 per table of ten *Please have
ticket buyers indicate whether they would prefer a vegetarian or fish
chowder meal.
Guest of Honour: Alexa McDonough, MP
To order tickets, contact:
YWCA Halifax 112-7071 Bayers Road Halifax NS B3L 2C2 T 902.423.6162 F
902.423.7761 www.ywcahalifax.com s.wolstenholme at ywcahalifax.com Or Elizabeth
at Dalhousie Women's Centre Tel. 902.494.2432 dwc at dal.ca
The Make Poverty History Nova Scotia Coalition invites you to attend aVote
to Make Poverty History campaign organizing workshop With Dennis Howlett,
National Coordinator of Make Poverty History
on Monday, April 23, between 5:30 and 9:00pm at Calvin Presbyterian Church,
3311 Ashburn Avenue in Halifax (across from Bayers Road mall, behind the
fire station, between Bayers road and the bicentenial) The approaching
election could be the moment when the ideas of Make Poverty History break
through onto the mainstream political agenda.
The workshop is split into three parts:
5:30 - 6:30 pm An update on the Make Poverty History campaign
6:30 7:00 pm Dinner break
7:00 8:00pm Election Strategy and Tools
8:00 9:00 pm Riding-based Workshop to Plan Election Action
Please feel free to attend any or all segments as your schedule permits.
Dennis Howlett (who coordinates the Make Poverty History campaign across the
country) will facilitate this workshop. The Make Poverty History team has
developed creative tools and action strategies for how we can have a
positive impact in the next election. This workshop will share these tools
and action strategies, and provide an opportunity for local Make Poverty
History supporters from riding in and around Halifax to make plans for how
they can put these tools and strategies into action during the next federal
and provincial election. Please note that the Vote to Make Poverty History
campaign is strictly non-partisan. While we will be doing all we can to make
poverty an issue in the election and pressing candidates and parties to
clarify what they would do to make poverty history, we will not be endorsing
any candidates or political parties. While members of all political parties
are welcome to be a part of our Vote to Make Poverty History campaign, we
ask that they respect our need to be non-partisan.
Registration Form for Halifax Workshop, April 23
If you are interested in attending please contact Dennis Howlett
Coordinator / coordinateur
Make Poverty History / Abolissons la pauvreté
1 Rue Nicholas Street, Suite 300
Ottawa ON K1N 7B7
Tel: 613 241 5293
Fax: 613 241 5302
E-mail: dhowlett at makepovertyhistory.ca
In January, Halifax MP and NDP Foreign Affairs Critic Alexa McDonough spent
a few weeks in Eastern Africa on a fact-finding tour. ACIC invites you to
come to hear her impressions and how we can respond to some of the issues
that she raises. Please invite staff, volunteers, and donors to this
informative lunchtime talk. Tea and coffee will be provided, but please pack
your own lunch.
When: Friday, April 27, 12:15 - 2 PM
Where: Halifax North Branch Library, 2285 Gottingen St., Halifax, NS
We look forward to seeing you there!
Jessica Dubelaar
Atlantic Council for International Cooperation/
Conseil atlantique pour la coopération internationale
210-2099 Gottingen Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 3B2
Tel/Tél: (902) 431-2311 Fax/Téléc: (902) 431-3216
Email/Courriel: projects at acic-caci.org
Envisioning Revolution in Reformist Times from Friday, April 27, 7:00 9:00
pm & Saturday, April 28, 9:00 am 4:30 pm
at The Church (corner of Fuller Terrace and North St.) in Halifax
In recognition of May Day, join with others who work for change for a
to share ideas and social justice goals, to discuss tactics and vision, to
teach and learn, and debate Whats Left?
Registration: $10 or pay what/if you can, please register in advance
so we can organize food etc.
registration limited to the first 125 people due to space
contact 454.5784 / 826.2748 or whatsleft at riseup.net
Childcare available with advance notice
Saturday lunch provided
(Maybe a party on Saturday night to celebrate our efforts and May Day)
Please put these dates on your calendar
All interested are welcome
Envisioning Revolution in Reformist Times
Friday, April 27, 7:00 pm: A panel with Anne Bishop, Max Haiven, Burnley
Rocky Jones,
and Errol Sharpe followed by discussion
Saturday, April 28, 9:00 am10:00 am: A panel on Labour Politics / Electoral
with Maureen MacDonald, Michael Oddy and John St. Amand
10:30 amnoon: group discussion noon1:00 pm: HOT lunch pro vided /
vegetarian option
1:00 pm2:00 pm: A panel on Identity Politics / Solidarity Work / Diversity
of Tactics
with Mylène DiPenta, Kay Johnson and Bill Lewis
2:00 pm3:30 pm: gro up discussion 3:30 pm4:30 pm: summary and closing
Tamara Lorincz
Executive Director, Nova Scotia Environmental Network (NSEN)
French Student
55 Willowbend Court
Halifax, NS CANADA B3M 3L3
(902) 443-2423
tlorincz at dal.ca
CESR: http://cesr.dsu.dal.ca
GN: http://www.space4peace.org/
HPC: http://hfxpeace.chebucto.org/
NSEN: http://www.nsen.ca
"A better world is possible"
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" -
Dr. Martin Luther King
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