[Sust-mar] Clothing Action-First Meeting

Mark Butler ar427 at chebucto.ns.ca
Mon Oct 5 19:45:32 EDT 2009

Hey Fashionistas---try this on for size...

EAC Announces the formation of a New Sub Committee: Clothing Action

Calling all People interested in Sustainability and Clothing. EAC is
forming a Clothing Action Sub Committee to explore a new dimension of
sustainability for the Atlantic Region.

First Meeting: 5:30 Wednesday October 7, Ecology Action Centre.

Agenda: the initial meeting will set the tone for the future. Be there
to make your voice heard.

Topics already on the list: Education and Public Awareness,

Fiber/ Cloth/ Clothing Sovereignty, Fare Trade and the Real Cost of

Questions or need more information?

Please contact Laura Chenoweth at 405 8881

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