[Sust-mar] Region wide : Volunteer Survey

Kelly B k_schnare at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 10 11:40:57 EST 2010

Happy New Year! If you are an Environmental Volunteer your assistance is requested, there is a on line survey concerning you motivation to volunteer, it will compared cross nationally between Canadian and Taiwanese Environmental Volunteers. 

I have completed writing a survey that can be directly linked from
For more information:
Project Title: "Motivations of Environmental Volunteers: A Cross Cultural Comparison" : www.foreverytree.org
Comparing volunteers across cultures can help to understand the differences, but the global issue of Environmental Protection, what connects everyone!  Learning why people become involved will help to combine our efforts and encourage everyone to help! Please take a brief five minutes to take the on line survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/B9PK9XZ and reflect on the reasons you participate as an Environmental Volunteer!
This is a thesis project for a Canadian student studying Environment and Ecology in Taiwan.
Thanks so much for your assistance
Kelly. B. Schnare
motivations at foreverytree.org for questions
www.surveymonkey.com/s/B9PK9XZ for survey


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