[Sust-mar] Global Issues Book Club

Clare Levin clevin at eastlink.ca
Thu Sep 2 05:28:16 EDT 2010

Global Issues Book Club

Are you interested in world issues? Do you like to read? Then join the
Halifax Global Issues Book Club. This group reads fiction and non-fiction
books related to international topics.

We meet on the last Tuesday of every month, 7-9 pm. There will be no meeting
in December and we take a break over the summer. Meetings take place at the
homes of book club members, generally in central Halifax.

The first three meeting dates and books are:
Tuesday, Sept. 28 - Sweetness in the Belly, Camilla Gibb
Tuesday, Oct. 26 - The Good Earth, Pearl S. Buck
Tuesday, Nov. 30 - Nectar in the Sieve, Kamala Markandaya

New book club members are very welcome. If you would like to join or would
like more information, please contact Michelle (michelleon at hotmail.com) or
Clare (clevin at eastlink.ca or 293-7345).

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