[Sust-mar] FALL FOOD Gatherings

Shannon MacLean shannon at ballens.ca
Tue Oct 18 15:04:25 EDT 2011

BALLE NS is very proud to sponsor two wonderful food events taking place
this October. We eat to live but food is also a fundamental part of the
environment, our communities and economic well being. Celebrating Nova
Scotia, our farmers and extended food industries is the key to our
sustainable future.

Come Celebrate with BALLE Nova Scotia 
Wolfville Oct 30th. The Fall Food Festival will include an afternoon
featuring speakers and a Gentle Dragon's Den for Food Entrepreneurs. Closing
with an amazing dinner of local food.

Truro Oct 28th. The Community Flavours Event celebrates local farmers,
producers, and chefs.http://www.ballens.ca/CommunityFlavoursTruro.htm 

Contact BALLE Nova Scotia for more information: 888-450-3830 or
info at ballens.ca

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