[Sust-mar] Seedy Saturday, Truro Feb 25

DM Boehm dmboehm at eastlink.ca
Wed Feb 15 20:15:47 EST 2012

Come celebrate local food, farming and gardening: Truro's 5^th annual 
Seedy Saturday event will happen

on the 25^th of February from 9 am to 1 pm at St. Andrew's United Church 
-- 55 King St., Truro.

There will be vegetable and flower seeds for trade or sale, Farmers' 
Market vendors, gardening workshops, andhands-onactivities and music for 
children and families.

Come for lunch at the Local Food Café. This year's special guest isDr. 
Vandana Shiva, a global crusader for healthy food systems, will speak on 
food sovereignty. It's free and everyone is welcome.

Seedy Saturday in Truro is brought to youby the Living Earth Council, 
USCCanada, St. Andrew's United Church, and Truro Farmer's Market.

For more information, search Facebook for /Truro Seedy Saturday/. Or 
call the organizers at 897 8389.

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