[Sust-mar] Premiere of SalmonWars June 13th, 2012

Susanna Fuller susannadfuller at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 13:49:09 EDT 2012

Dear Sust-mar, please post the following invitation:

You are invited to attend the Premiere of *Salmon Wars: Salmon Farms, Wild
Fish and the Future of Communities, *a documentary produced by Silver
Donald Cameron and Chris Beckett. The film will be premiered in five
communities across Nova Scotia on June 13th at the following locations:

 Spatz Theatre, Citadel High School  *Jordan Bay* Jordan Bay Hall  *Freeport
* Freeport Firehall  *Port Mouton* Port Mouton Recreation Centre  *Wolfville
* Al Whittle Theatre

If you are unable to attend in person, the film will be viewable at
www.salmonwars.com. Additional public screenings will take place through
Atlantic Canada during the summer of 2012. It is our hope that this film
prompts open discussion in communities, with elected officials, and with
the aquaculture industry so that we may together ensure a sustainable
future for our coastal communities.

*About the film:  *

**In 2010, strongly encouraged by Nova Scotia's NDP government,
international salmon-farming corporations moved to establish massive new
salmon feedlots in three pristine bays and harbours, and to expand existing
feedlots in other inlets.  Galvanized by the threat to wildlife habitat,
tourism, salmon runs and the all-important lobster fishery, Nova Scotia's
coastal communities furiously opposed the plan, to no avail.

Silver Donald Cameron <http://www.silverdonaldcameron.ca/>, then a
columnist for the province's leading newspaper, wrote a column (which you
can read below) denouncing the expansion -- and got a call from a worried
salmon conservationist who wanted to know how opponents of the feedlots
could most powerfully publicize the issue.

Cameron was also the host and executive producer of the environmental web
site The Green Interview <http://www.thegreeninterview.com/>, which
provides video interviews with the world's leading environmentalists. With
his colleague Chris Beckett, he had the capacity to produce a video
documentary for non-traditional distribution via cable, the web, village
meetings and the like.  He wrote a proposal (see below) and the
conservation community set out to raise the production costs.

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