[Sust-mar] FBC News and Events

Falls Brook Centre fallsbrook at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 09:49:27 EDT 2014

Events, internships, and thank yous

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** Past, Present and Future: What's Your NB?
What does a student
environmental leader look like?  If you are a New Brunswick student in grade 1 to 12, you are invited to participate in the Enviro-Media Contest!

Falls Brook Centre is sending out a call to all student leaders, artists and activists across the province.  We want you to lead awareness through the creation of Environmental-Media such as posters, photographs, videos, songs or messages for radio.

Great prizes will be awarded and winning submissions will be featured in local media!

The deadline for submissions is March 31. Visit the facebook event (http://fallsbrookcentre.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=9650845d354435e72d34ccdae&id=7730d57525&e=e999f586c2) for more details!

** Seed saving workshop at Knowlesville Art and Nature Centre Mar 15


** Seedling Saturday, April 19
As we move into Spring, it's time to start thinking about your garden. This hands-on half-day workshop at Falls Brook Centre will teach you how to start seeds using recycled materials. At the end of the session you will be able to take home the seeds for your own lasagne garden.

Spring is also a time of chicks and bunnies! To celebrate, FBC is hosting an egg hunt and egg painting activity for children while you work on your seeds. Children will learn about laying hens and where eggs come from.

Cost is $10/person or $25/family (2 adults & 2+ children)

Please register by calling 246-1114 or email events at fallsbrookcentre.ca (mailto:events at fallsbrookcentre.ca?subject=Seedling%20Saturday)

** Thank you to the Province of New Brunswick!!
Falls Brook Centre's X-Country Ski Ed-Venture on March 2 was a great success thanks to everyone that came out and our sponsors: the Government of New Brunswick, Intact Insurance, Radical Edge, and the Wostawea Ski Club for making it possible. Keep your eyes open for future ski/snowshoe activities at FBC!

** Falls Brook Centre 2014 Internship Announcement
domestic opportunities are available in renewable technologies, biodiversity, education and organic gardening. In addition to four months of hands-on experience, participants have the opportunity to participate in workshops at the centre and eco-excursions.

2014 international opportunities are available in Honduras this year. FBC is privileged to partner with six environmental organizations who are working in environmental restoration and education in several communities along the North coast of Honduras.

Visit our website (http://fallsbrookcentre.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9650845d354435e72d34ccdae&id=0cdc9a6dea&e=e999f586c2) for job descriptions and full application details.

** Stories from the Field
Having just come back from six months in Honduras, it seems strange that I would have trouble summing up the experience – but that is the case. It’s a different world than the one I came from, and it defies, it challenges, it infuriates and humbles me still. At the broadest level, many of the lessons maybe haven’t sunk in yet. I know that I’ve grown, that I’ve learned more about my capacity for leadership, hardship and empathy in the past six months than I had in the
years before them. But those sorts of lessons take time to be able to articulate. For the moment, when people ask me about lessons learned, or take-aways, all I can really manage for tangible examples are stories of small children – and animals.

Jefferson sat cautiously beside me - looking at me sideways and then back at his older brother, before heaving his little self onto the burra (a wooden cart on wheels that could be attached to the back of the train to carry heavy or extra-large loads). It had been taken off the train tracks and left against a building, people using it as a bench or a table, dogs using it for shade.
Jefferson’s shirt was doubled up, the way little kids do when they need a place to put things, and his little belly was showing. His ears stick out, he’s got the most mischievous grin, and a little husky voice. I absolutely adore him. Looking at him sitting there beside me, feet dangling, I asked, “What have you got in your shirt, Jeffe?”

He checked on the cargo he was carrying so carefully, took the lollipop out of his mouth and replied, “I have two shrimp”, while giving me a very serious look.

“Oh,” I said, not really knowing how to respond. “And what are you going to do with your shrimp?”

Now he really gave me a serious look – no, a confused look, as if he didn’t know what to make of me. “I’m going to put them in cold water so that they freeze”, he said.

And then, still looking at me out of the corner of his eye, he asked, “What would you do with the shrimp?”

And I had to confess that I didn’t know, having never had the opportunity – nor the will, I suppose – to fish for shrimp. And so, even though I was ‘well- travelled’ and ‘well-studied’ and I had grown up in the ‘developed world’, I had to take it on the authority of a four-year-old when it came to what you might do with two shrimp.

Rosamund Mosse participated in a nine month CIDA internship with Falls Brook Centre and the Fundación Cuero y Salado in Honduras, implemented by the Atlantic Council for International Cooperation. She learned many things, not the least of which include: how to plant with the phases of the moon, how to properly ‘throw’ a tortilla, and what to do with two shrimp. She now joins the staff at FBC as the Domestic Intern Coordinator.

** Transition Town Woodstock announces up-coming forum at NBCC Woodstock:

A forum called "NB Power and Siemen's Smart Grid" that had originally been schedule for February 25 had to be postponed to Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00 pm. NB Power has hired the German company Siemens to help to develop and integrate the smart grid for greater efficiency. One or two representatives from Siemens will give a presentation and answer questions and will then answer questions. Please mark down this date. More information will be coming soon.

** Want to know more about what's happening at Falls Brook Centre?

Visit us online at our website (http://fallsbrookcentre.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9650845d354435e72d34ccdae&id=cfa4a92996&e=e999f586c2) or our Facebook page (http://fallsbrookcentre.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9650845d354435e72d34ccdae&id=d322b08bee&e=e999f586c2) to find out about all the cool upcoming events and workshops!

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