[sust-mar] Environmental careers event in Halifax on Nov. 4

Naomi Hill naomi.hill at mail.mcgill.ca
Fri Nov 3 07:23:44 EDT 2017


I'm reaching out to let you know about an environmental careers event that Fusion Halifax<http://fusionhalifax.ca/> is hosting this Saturday, November 4. The event is called Sustainable Steps: Exploring green careers in Nova Scotia<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sustainable-steps-exploring-green-careers-in-nova-scotia-tickets-38854291231> and it will take place from 1-4 p.m. tomorrow, with registration at 12:30. The event will take place at Dalhousie's Student Union Building Council Chambers (2nd floor) at 6136 University Ave. in Halifax.

The event is primarily intended for young professionals and students but it is open to all - it will be a great opportunity to learn more about different environmental career paths in Nova Scotia and the difference between pursuing sustainability through entrepreneurship, non-profit organizations, government, academia and private consulting. Tickets are available here: goo.gl/VFDivs<https://goo.gl/VFDivs>

Here is the full list of speakers for Saturday's event:

  *   Keynote: Gina Patterson, Director of Policy and Strategic Relations, Clean Foundation<http://clean.ns.ca/>
  *   Dr. Heike Lotze, Professor in Biology and Canada Research Chair in Marine Renewable Resources<https://www.dal.ca/faculty/science/biology/faculty-staff/our-faculty/heike-lotze/heike-lotze.html> at Dalhousie University
  *   Dr. Allison Schmidt, collaborator and senior instructor<http://admin.biology.dal.ca/People/faculty/schmidt/schmidt.htm> in Dalhousie’s Department of Biology
  *   Annamarie Burgess, LPP, MCIP, P.Eng, Water Resources Engineer & Environmental Planner at Dillon Consulting Ltd.<http://www.dillon.ca/>
  *   <http://www.dillon.ca/> Emma Norton, Energy Conservation Coordinator at the Ecology Action Centre<https://ecologyaction.ca/>
  *   <http://www.dillon.ca/> Gordon McArthur, President and co-founder of Eosense<http://www.eosense.com/>
  *   Sheena Russell, CEO and co-founder of Made with Local<https://www.madewithlocal.com/>
  *   Seanne Meldrum, Waste Resources Education Officer in the HRM's Solid Waste Resources Department<https://www.halifax.ca/index.php/home-property/garbage-recycling-green-cart/education-outreach>

If you are interested in learning more about green careers in Nova Scotia, I encourage you to attend this event!

Please let me know if you have any questions about the event.


Naomi Hill

Director of Sustainability, Fusion Halifax

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